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The Loud family were all in the living room.

Rita: Lincoln didn't come home last night.

Luna: shouldn't we call the police.

Lynn Sr: that the thing it's Lincoln, we could call the police and they could end up finding Lincoln in the backyard.

Lori: you guys have a good point.

Lola: Lisa don't you have anything that could stop his weirdness.

They all quiet down do to the sound of crunching before noticing Lincoln eating potato chips on the stairs.

Lincoln: a rapist and a weirdo, I think I've been called practically everything by you guys now.

Rita: Lincoln, we're sorry we didn't mean to-

Lincoln: you're sorry, I hear that a lot lately, it's something wrong with me or something.

Rita: Lincoln there's nothing wrong with you're a very special boy.

Lincoln: I'm special, now I know something's wrong with me.

Lincoln got up and started heading to his room.

Lincoln: and before you say anything I got home by 5 am.

Lincoln closed his room door.

Lola: what wrong with being special?

Lucy: being special mean your weird being very special mean something is wrong with you.

Lola: but you told me I special.

Lana: me too!

Leni: and me!

Rita: not like Lincoln, your all special in the good way.

Lincoln: I heard that!

Rita: sorry!


Lincoln knocked on the door of Jenny's house before getting an answer.

Jenny: hey you made it.

Lincoln: you said you wanted to see me.

Jenny: my parents aren't home so why don't you come in.

Lincoln: .....sure.

Jenny: your parents called yesterday twice, first time was to confirm if you were with me second was to ask if you had come over, so I'm guessing you didn't sleep at home last night.

Lincoln: I slept at the park.

Jenny: what, why!?

Lincoln: I got into an argument with my family.

Jenny: I see, can I know what it was about?

Lincoln: I think it's best if you don't know about it.

Jenny: if you say so.

Lincoln: sorry about my family bugging you.

Jenny: it's fine, I'm just glad you're fine.

Lincoln: I'm happy to know you care.

Jenny: so Lincoln.....

Lincoln put his hand over Jenny before she turned towards him.

Lincoln: you said something about being home alone.

Jenny: I-

Gwen: easy love bird she said her parents weren't home not the house was empty

Lincoln: you again?

Gwen: you don't seem excited to see me, Lincoln Loud.

Lincoln: you know who I am?

Gwen: heard from my cousin and her friends and some other ways, like how you took Max and his sister and her friends and you've been bugging Max a lot.

Lincoln: it's not like they didn't have it coming, well it's was nice seeing you again Gwen, I got something I need to do.

Gwen: what is it because I'm here, you won't even know I'm here just do your thing.

Lincoln: no I got word from a little fly that a little mouse is doing something that it shouldn't.

Lincoln got up walk out the door.

Lincoln: see you around Jen.

He shuts the door.

Gwen: what was that about.

Jenny: his like that sometimes.

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of CrimeWhere stories live. Discover now