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The Louds all in the living room except for Lynn and Lincoln.

Lynn Sr: as you all know junior is sick.

Rita: is their any one who is available to look after her.

All disagreed seeing how they had all made plans not wanting to cancel.

Lincoln: I'll do it.

They all turned suddenly to Lincoln who was near the stairs in black pants and an orange tank top.

Rita: Lincoln, how long were you there.

Lincoln: not too long, but long enough to got everything.

Lynn Sr: are you sure, you know you always seem busy.

Lori: yeah aren't you going out with your friends.

Lincoln: I'll cancel.

Luna: you don't have to I'm sure one of us can-

Lincoln: you all have plans, I already cancelled mine.

Lori: are you sure she is really sick, we don't want to get sick.

Lincoln: I'm perfectly capable of taking care of my own sister, I'm not a child.

Lori: okay I didn't mean to offend you.


Lynn slowly woke up noticing Lincoln before jumping up before Lincoln put a thermometer in her mouth.

Lincoln: what's the matter, have a bad dream or something.

Lynn was about to say something before Lincoln took the thermometer out of her mouth.

Lynn: what're you doing here.

Lincoln: what does it look like, everyone was busy so I'm looking after you.

Lincoln check the thermometer.

Lincoln: looks like your still burning up, wait here I'll go get your medicine.


Lynn was out of bed looking checking the hallway for Lincoln when she noticed that the coat was clear she stepped out the room before a rope was put over her neck Lincoln was choking her from behind.

Lincoln had red in his eyes with a big twisted smile on his face.

Lincoln: I thought I told you not to go anywhere.


Lynn woke up in a cold sweat gasping for air while checking her neck.

Lincoln: are you okay.

Lynn looked at Lincoln who actually looked worried about her but the sight of him made her worried the thought that they were the only ones in the house made a even more worried.

Lincoln: this is bad, you're burning worst then before, Lynn calm down try to relax.

Lynn managed to control her breathing.


Lincoln entered the room with a bucket.

Lynn: what're you doing?

Lincoln: don't worry about it.

Lynn: what's in the bucket?

Lincoln: water.

He pulled out an ice cube.

Lincoln: ice cold water, take off your top..

Lynn: what!?

Lincoln: take it off.


Lynn was holding Lincoln's hand who was trying to put a rag on her chest.

Lynn: stop, it's too cool.

Lincoln: okay, fine I'll finish later, stay here.

Lynn: where are you going.

Lincoln: the kitchen, we have some leftover pizza, I'll go heat it up for you.

Lincoln walk out of the room leaving Lynn by herself.

Lynn peeked out the room checking if the coat was clear before walking out checking her back before bumping into Lincoln making her jump.

Lincoln: you're oddly jumping, I thought you to stay in bed.

Lynn: I-I- needed to use the bathroom.

Lincoln: okay.


Lynn closed her eyes trying to sleep before opening it do to Lincoln bouncing a baseball.


The whole loud family returned home at the same time all rushing upstairs before going to Lynn's and Lucy's room opening the door seeing Lincoln feeding Lynn.

The sight was a bit confusing to them but a relief to what they had thought.

Lincoln: you guys are back already.

Lynn Sr: yeah, we all decided to come home early.

Rita: Lynn, sweetie how are you feeling.

Lynn: okay, I feel great.

Rita: you're temperature is okay, I think your fever's gone.

Lynn Sr: good job, Lincoln.

Lincoln just keep staring at them.

Lori: Lincoln?

Lincoln began to walk away waving as he do so.

Lola: not again, quiet Lincoln is the worst.

Lana: and kinda weird too.

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of CrimeWhere stories live. Discover now