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Max was in his classroom before two of his friends Andrew and Marty walked up to him.

Max: what's up.

Marty: What happened to you?

Max: got into a fight, you should have seen the other guy.

Andrew: Word going around is you got beat up because of your sister and her friends, I also heard it happened at your old school.

Max: what, were did you hear that load of crap from.

Andrew: Well-

Girl: Hey theirs some kid outside.

Max and his friends turned to the girl who was looking out a window before they walked up to it seeing Lincoln standing outside looking on from the outside.

Max got a text before pulling out his phone.

Andrew: Get out here.

Marty: Dude you know that kid?

Andrew: Don't tell me that kid was the one who beat you up.

Max got another text.

Marty: If you don't come out here in the next minute I'm coming in there.

Andrew: Dude did you really get beat up my a kid.

Andrew started laughing.

Marty: Damn I lost all respect for you man.

They watched as Lincoln walk into the building.

Not long after Lincoln walk into the class.

Lincoln: what'd I tell you, you think I'm joking with you.

Andrew: Okay all jokes aside I know you wouldn't hit a little kid, listen little guy don't think you're all high and mighty because my friend here let you hurt him a bit, now run off.

Andrew put a hand on Lincoln's shoulder before getting on Lincoln's level a nasty punch to the face that sent him to the ground.

Andrew noticed he was bleeding getting anger.

Andrew: That is you little -

Lincoln kicked him in the face as he was about to get up making him more anger before Lincoln stomped his face down.

Lincoln: you like the way your face is, stay out of this!

Lincoln stomped his face again before turning to Max.

Lincoln trow Max something which he looked at noticing nunchaku.

Lincoln: I stopped by your locker and picked this up for you to give you an advantage, I'm not going to let you pass out so easy this time.


Lincoln was walking with just a tiny cut on his cheek while holding the bloody nunchaku.


Max was with his beat up friends who were all bleeding.

Marty: Alright start talking.

Max: the kid is some sort of psychopath.

Andrew: Psycho or not I'm not letting this go.

Max: I never said we would.


It was night out of the school with the talent show going on with Clyde being the one up and bombing it.

Lincoln walk into the hall heading towards the stage as he received a lot of looks from teachers and students and the principal who was mostly just scared.

Lincoln whispered something into Clyde's ear before Clyde nods.

Lincoln walk towards the judges pulling out a deck of cards Holding it out in front of a female judge.

The judge pulled one of the cards before putting it back.

Lincoln: queen of hearts.

Judge: no.

Lincoln: it was a complement.

Principal: uh?

The judge noticed she was in red heart dress her hair was red and longer with a heart tattoo on her left cheek and heart sunglasses.

Judge: what in the world how did you-

She notices Lincoln looking up before noticing a card floating on top of her head before Lincoln grabbed the card and handed it to her.

Lincoln: is this your card?

Judge: Yeah.

Lincoln trow the card in the air with it going up in flames before pulling out a red handkerchief covering her bottle of water taking it off revealing a wineglass before covering it again with it being full.

Lincoln then walked back to the stage before throwing the handkerchief in the air with it coming bigger.

Lincoln covered Stella before taking it off showing her covered in stickies before he pulled a string before she fell apart.

Lincoln covered her again with her being back together checking herself to see everything was in place before Lincoln handed it to Clyde.

Clyde looked at the cloth before covering Lincoln taking it off revealing a girl with similar features to Lincoln in the exact same clothes but with a skirt shocking his friends the judges and the crowd before Stella took the cloth from Clyde covering Lincoln changing him back before Clyde took it back with Stella trying to stop him before they accidentally covered him revealing both Lincoln and his female version looking away from each other.

The other tried to point it out but both kept missing each other before Stella show them to each other.

Lincoln and his female version began to look at each other up and down copying each other before she touched Lincoln in his chest with Lincoln doing the same before getting slapped.

Lincoln took the cloth from them before covering the female him with her being replaced with a mirror.

Lincoln look at himself in the mirror.

Lincoln: still got.

Mirror: no you don't, you never had it to begin with.

Lincoln: forgot you.

Mirror: hey genius I'm you dummy.

Lincoln: .....

Mirror: can't talk anymore, why did I have to be the reflection of such an idiot.

Lincoln: alright, I'm breaking this stupid thing.

Mirror: hey don't do anything you regret later, if you break me you'll be out on a reflection, you know you love seeing how handsome you are.

The reflection started laughing.

Mirror: I can't, I can't lie you know you're ugly.

Lincoln was about to punch the mirror before his friends held him back.

Mirror: no let him go, it now like he'll win.

They all let Lincoln go before he ran into the mirror with the reflection missing and Lincoln unable to get out before the reflection arrived with a bat.

Lincoln: bye bye.

Lincoln smashed the mirror with it exploding into spacial

Lincoln: and that's a wrap.

Lincoln took a step into the air before laying on his back with his hands behind his head floating away before stopping next to the judges grabbing the glass of wine before heading towards the exit.

Lincoln: Goodnight everybody.

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of CrimeWhere stories live. Discover now