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The Loud family were all having breakfast before there was a loud bang on their door.

Luna was the one who decided to go answer the door being meet by Lynn's friend Margo.

Luna: hey dude.

Margo: Where's Lynn?

Luna: I'll go get her, just chill.

Luna returned with Lynn

Lynn: hey Margo, what's-

Margo: Remember the team we played against yesterday.

Lynn: the boarding school, what about it.

Margo: They were attacked last night.

Lynn: attacked?

Margo: Yeah by the Ace killer.

Lynn: what!?

Margo: Non of them were killed but they were hurt pretty bad, some of them even had their achilles tendons sliced.

Lynn: what, I've heard of people getting attacked for losing game but this is crazy.


The Loud family were watching the news.

Reporter: we're here outside of the hospital were 15 young girl were assaulted by the Ace killer, all beat badly with 5 of which having their achilles tendons sliced, 2 being sexual assaulted, and one having her tongue cut off as a warning to the others for what will happen if they try to help the police with information.

The TV was turned off.

Lynn Sr: when are the cops going to do their job and find that monster.

Lincoln: I don't think they'll catch him, he seems like he knows how to cover his track, and why do you guys care it's not like you know that, I don't see a point in giving worry to people you don't even know.

Rita: Lincoln, you're better than that.

Lincoln: I'm I?

Rita: you shouldn't talk about people like that what if that was you-

Rita covered her mouth as the whole house went silent before they all turned to Lincoln who just got up and walked out the front door before they all turned to Rita.


Lynn and her friends were together.

Margo: For real they got attacked for winning.

Paula: Maybe the guy had lost a bet.

Margo: So it's our fault.

Paula: Maybe, he bet on us to win but since we lost he decided to go for them instead of us.

Margo: So it is our fault because we lost.

Paula: I guess, you're oddly quiet Lynn.

Lynn: sorry, I was just wondering where my brother could be.

Paula: You mean Lincoln, his over their.

Lynn turned noticing Lincoln standing across the street holding a bouquet of roses just standing in place.

Lynn: Lincoln.

Lincoln: oh it's you.

Lynn: what are you doing here?

Lincoln: I went to the hospital to drop these off but they said visiting hours ended.

Lynn: that's nice of you.

Lincoln: is it?

Lynn: you mum didn't mean it right.

Lincoln: I know.

Lynn: come on let's get you home.

Lincoln: no.

Lynn: no?

Lincoln: let's get them home first, I can tell that their scared to go home by themselves.

Lynn turn to her who looked it but didn't want to admit it.

Lynn: uh sure, come on guys.


Lincoln was walking with Paula because something came up that Lynn had to leave them.

The whole walk was quiet and a bit weird for Paula.

Paula: So Lincoln, Lynn told me you were sick.

Lincoln: did she tell you I was crazy.

Paula: what no.

Lincoln: so she said I had bad luck.

Lincoln got up in her face but the thing that got her most was what she was what Lincoln was reaching in his pocket.

She noticed the edge of the blade.

Paula: Lincoln take it easy, I don't know what you're talking about, Lynn just told me you weren't yourself I wouldn't say you're crazy or you have bad luck because of your predicament.

Lincoln: really?

Paula: Yeah.

Lincoln: sorry about that, I don't know what came over me, it's been happening a lot lately.

Paula: It cool.


They arrived at house.

Paula: Well here we are, thanks.

Lincoln: I guess, well see you.

Paula: Okay bye.

Lincoln: hold on here, see it as a per apology.

Paula: Uh.

Lincoln: I would really appreciate it if you take it, as a pre apology.

Paula: Sure.

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of CrimeWhere stories live. Discover now