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Lincoln and his friends were at Clyde's house.

Clyde: dude last night was awesome.

Lincoln: you think, too bad you win.

Clyde: it's cool, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have gotten second place.

Stella: where did you learn how to do all that.

Lincoln pulled out a book from his backpack.

Clyde: magic tricks for idiots, strange name but can I borrow the book.

Lincoln: you can have it, I'm done with the full set anyways.

Zach: so what're you doing later?

Lincoln: I made plans through out my whole suspension, I'm working on improving my fighting skills, but we can hang out when I come back to school in three days.

Zach: sure.

Stella: I don't think you should keep learning how to fight, they don't really bother you or us anymore.

Rusty: well there was that one time but-

Lincoln: they wanted to know were I hanged out.

Liam: wait how do you-

Lincoln: they followed me around and tried to get Stephanie's older brother to beat me up but it back fired.

Zach: those guys really have no shame.

Lincoln: so I to part with you guys on till next time.


Lynn was home with her friends.

Paula: So do you guys think we should go pay them a visit, they are still in the hospital.

Lynn: sure, but I don't really know if they'll let us in.

Margo: I just don't want the cops coming over to my place.

Paula: Why would they?

Margo: you know it's only going to been a matter of time before the cops start asking us questions.

Lynn: can we change the topic.

Paula: To what?

Lynn: basically anything.

Paula: How about Lincoln.

Lynn: why him?

Paula: Our last conversation was a bit weird but I guess it was okay.

Lynn: well he as been asking of you a lot, so what happened after I left you two.

Paula: Just a misunderstanding, with Lincoln saying he owes me an apology.

Lynn: I see, well his apologies are worth looking forward to nowadays.

Paula: Oh yeah he gave me the roses he was with but I prefer violets.

Lincoln: nice to hear.

They turned to see Lincoln holding violets with his other hand behind his back.

Lynn: when did you get back?

Lincoln: just now.

Paula: You just happened to have violets.

Margo: that oddly specific.

Lincoln: I'm a specific guy.

Lynn: nice try.

Lynn pulled out roses from his back.

Paula: So you bought both roses and violet just in case.

Lincoln: I can explain.

Margo: Go ahead.

Lincoln took the roses from Lynn before moving his hands turning them lilacs before handing them to Paula.

Paula: I'm allegiant lilacs.

Lincoln: what lilacs?

Paula turned to the flowers that were now two bouquet of violets.

Paula: Nice tricks.

Lincoln: thanks, so you free later.

Paula: Sorry no, how about Monday.

Lincoln: Monday's not free for me I already made plans, so here.

Paula: What is it?

Lincoln: it's an I owe you, with that I'll do anything you want.

Paula: No matter what it is?

Lincoln: no matter what.

Paula: cool.

Lynn: okay back to the matter at hand.


Lincoln was in his room laying on his bed shirtless before opening his nightstand seeing a flash drive next to a microchipped blinking red.

Lincoln: thanks a lot dad.

Lincoln: Loud Ace Of CrimeWhere stories live. Discover now