Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
Jason's POV:

My heart skipped a beat when she entered my field of vision. Her hair looked so soft, almost like my dog's fur at home after I brushed him. I need to figure out a way to talk to her.

How do I talk to her? Ask her to run scripts with me? Prior work? I'm overthinking this. I need a drink-or ice cream. Or both? Yeah, both were be good. Where's that catering table?

I walk around a bit with laser focus. Only one thing is on my mind right now and that is finding Oreo ice cream.

When I see a fridge and freezer combo, I bolt for it like my life depends on it.

Grabbing the ice cream, I take a big bite and instantly enter a world of bliss. This ice cream is amazing! How is it so good?!

It doesn't take long for someone to clear their throat, signaling that I'm in their way.

"Oh, sorry." I apologize, swallowing the half eaten sandwich down my throat. Turning around, it's Aria.

"That's my sandwich." She states coldly as my eyes widen in embarrassment. "It's fine. You can eat it. I guess."

She smiles but I feel my stomach dropping as my heart is pounding.

"Oh...okay. T-Thank you." I stutter out. I almost drop the sandwich. I caught it just in time before it hit the floor.

She smiles before someone calls her over. Why did I do that?! I should've asked whose sandwiches these were!

I finish it anyway; with alot of guilt. Next, someone calls me over. I throw away the wrapper in a nearby trash bin and jog over there.

"Hi, Jason. I'm Justin." A guy around my age holds out his hand.

" are you?" I ask.

A/N: Chapter 2 ends in a cliffhanger! How are we enjoying the story so far? Any suggestions? Don't forget to vote and comment. Thanks for reading.

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