Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 

Jason's POV: 

It's been a while since I've had someone to cuddle with; it's pretty damn nice. I sniff her hair as she sleeps. It smells like strawberry and - is that vanilla? It doesn't matter, but I want that hair routine. I must sound weird; talking about her hair. 

She feels so warm against me. She snuggles in closer. Her face crinkles as she wakes up. Turning over onto her back, she smiles at me. Their eyes widen, and she runs to the bathroom. She comes back out with her eyes refusing to meet mine. 

"Sorry, I always have to go to the bathroom in the morning." She gets back into bed. I laugh and put my arm around her. 

"It's fine. I get it. I'm just happy I didn't scare you off with my place." I laugh at my own joke. She gives me a sympathy laugh. 

"I've seen worse." She smiles. I back away from her. 

"Really tell me more." I re-wrap my arms around her. She doesn't say anything at first. 

"Aria, it's okay. I want to know." I reassure her, pulling her even closer to me if that were ever possible. 

"I'm hungry." She changes the subject. I nod and we both get out of bed. "I'll start cleaning up." 

I step in, "you're a guest. Guests don't clean in my home." 

"It's a trailer." She picks up a bowl. I grab it from her gently but sternly. 

"Same thing. Guests. Don't. Clean." I say each word slowly and clearly so she gets the point. She sits down on the couch looking up at me like a scared puppy. She nods, 

"Okay, I won't clean." 

I smile and bring the bowl to the kitchen sink. I pick up everything out of place and put it where it belongs. All while Aria is looking as beautiful as ever.

A/N: Happy Monday. I hope you all have a great start to the week. It's a holiday here in the U.S but I wanted to get a chapter out anyway. Please remember to vote and comment if you enjoyed it. 

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