Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Aria's POV: 

After twenty retakes, we were done filming the scene because I couldn't remember my lines. Is it due to a lack of sleep? Maybe, but I can't let anyone know that. I'm back in my hotel room, trying to nap with the director and producer before dinner. 

Paris isn't supposed to be loud. There are not supposed to be cars outside since they have train stations, but all I can hear is people going about their lives. Like there aren't people trying to sleep! 

I put my pillow over my head, hoping to block the noises outside my hotel room. After a while, it gets quiet, and I finally head off to dreamland. 

Until I hear my phone buzzing loudly, I should ignore it. It's probably scammers or something. I don't have time for them. I ignored the call. It calls again. And again. And again. 

I don't feel well, and someone's repeating, trying to call me? Come on, man. 

I answer the phone without checking the caller ID. 

"Hell-" I anwer but it's not long before I'm cut off by a deep voice yelling at me. I don't even have time to process what they are yelling about. 

"I'm sorry? Jason?" I ask when my brain finally catches up to what's going on. He continues to yell so loud that I still can't process what he's saying. "What's going on?" 

"You should've been prepared!" He says, which is the first sentence I can comprehend. I sit up straight and am utterly confused. 

"I'm sorry? Who are you to lecture me about prepareness? Isn't this your first movie too?" I ask. He sighs. 

"Yes but at least I know my lines!" He sounds less angry but still enough to get his point across. 

"Did you really call me just to yell at me?" I ask bluntly. 

"No, the reservation got moved to tomorrow." He says. 

"Wait, you got invited too?" 

"Yes, apparently it's a leads only dinner. Why?" 

"I thought they wanted to meet with only me." 

"You're not that special." He chuckles. I laugh with him. Only to get off this call. 

"So, do you wanna go to dinner instead?" 

"Um, yes. That sounds fun." 

"I'll text you the address." 

A/N: Two dates with different guys! Which team? Team Justin or Jason? Comment below! Don't forget to vote. 

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