Prologue & Aesthetics

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If I had to describe Garren Adler in one word, it would be surreal.

Never had I imagined such a chauvinist, arrogant tyrant to exist.

I first encountered him when I entered St. Sinclair Academy. An illustrious private school catered to the elites of society that my parents didn't spare a penny on enrolling me because I was the so-called egghead of the family and they believed I'd be going places.

In first year, I shared a literature class with Garren and I would've fallen head over heels for his looks, but his ego was a deal breaker. He thought so highly of himself that he'd say he was the second coming of Christ.

Which in fact, was what he actually did say to a Catholic girl in our year who warned him he'd go to hell from his sin of pride. He laughed so much, the girl was spooked.

On another occasion I'd never forget, the teacher told us to write about role models in our life. Most girls and boys wrote about musicians, actors or advocates. Garren Adler? He handed in an autobiography that was five thousand words long.

He got an A for it. An A.

I had done mine on Joan of Arc and got a C- because apparently, the teacher wanted role models who were currently alive or whatever. Load of bull.

What was even crazier, Garren wasn’t just highly distinguished amongst our peers for his tendencies, but also immensely popular.

Not that I wasn’t able to comprehend the reasons; the Adler lineage held a background of affluence, even exceptional to the other wealthy families and the boy was arguably charismatic. Yet, I thought that at least, in a place where most were raised with the caliber of prestige and deemed to be the chosen that moved the world wouldn’t so easily turn a blind eye to principles.

That was the first thing I learned about the elite world. Compromising morals didn’t matter if it came for free. To be seen and heard was a must overall all else.

Being Garren Adler meant you were always seen and heard and this truth horrified me.

He had his share of haters but the majority of them were blatantly jealous of his social status.

A status plenty were eager to snag a piece of and out of his avid followers, two made the cut. Garren had close friends named Will Butler and Ben McCoy. They became a part of his sphere of power in the school like his wingmen despite being two regular students. Funnily enough, they shared identical profiles with Garren; male, good looking and full of it.

He might as well have just cloned himself.

I could see Garren's motive in it all. The presence of the two sharing the rank did nothing to diminish his place. In fact, it only amplified it and made it more formidable. The students basically worshipped them and the three were unanimously known as The Aces.

I believe that was when things rapidly took a turn for the worst. It was a late April of my fourth year when the incident happened. I was eating lunch in the hall when a commotion arose at the dessert queue. The dinner lady stationed at the sector had accidentally served the wrong requested pudding flavour. Any other student probably would've paid it no mind but not Garren Adler.

He rose his voice for everyone around to hear him insult the poor dinner ladies' intelligence, her family and call her worthless all in one one urbane sentence.

I couldn't blame the lady for crying. I felt my insides turning and was shivering despite it not even being directed at me. Then he took it further by picking up the plate and dumping the dessert on her head.

I lost all belief that what was happening before me was real. Even more so, no one tried to do anything to him. Some kids were actually laughing. It was sick.

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