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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to -valeriee and StrawberryyyyMilkk. Thank you so much for your votes and comments!

We were set to head off to the Inkwood Ice Rink. Shaun simply wanted to inform his mother that he was stepping out first, so I thought it'd be polite to at least give my regards in spite of the unfavourable timing.

For a woman in mourning, she was well kept together. Dress wise and make up specifically. The sorrow was evident in her mouse brown eyes but she gave me a kind smile. She then scolded Shaun for not being more of a gentleman by taking me out sooner and commented that he resembled his dad in quote "Trying to get the lady in bed before getting her a drink."

The few in company chuckled and I held back my own while Shaun's cheeks turned a harsh red.

"And that's what I get for having manners." He mumbled.

"I like her." It was said plainly out of courtesy.

It was hard from me to hold any sort of good impression when filled with disgust at how she had cheated on a nice man like Mr. Goy-Smith. To make matters worse, with the thorn in my side. Though, I could come to overlook it in time if it was just a mistake.

"Yeah, most of my friends tend to say that." Shaun sighed. "I think they all just stick around me for her."

"... We're just friends?"

Panic flared but it was all too late for me to take it back.

"No! I didn't mean in that way, Stevie. I mean— "

"No, it's okay. That was my mistake. Sorry."

"Oh... good."


"It's alright."

An awkward silence descended as we tentatively inspected our shoes. I cursed under my breath. How had I gone and misunderstood a little thing like that? I knew why. The mention of that Rosita person had me over thinking things. I didn't have the facts yet, there was no point freaking out.

"I like you Stevie."

I lifted my head and the smile I found facing me made the flutters in my chest chaotic.

"I never did get around to saying it, did I?" Nervous chuckles left his lips, tugging my heartstrings further.

Then we were simply staring at one another. It hit instantly that it was a scene that occurred in a couple of the rom coms I secretly rented. Uncle Louie didn't care for the genre and neither did those two so I couldn't borrow any but I was curious. I arduously studied it, watching them on a binge in case it could come in handy.

It looked to be the right call as we were quite literally in the scenario where the leading characters began moving closer for a kiss. I was sure I was blushing now and felt so exposed, that Shaun could read my mind but reality came crashing in to remind me I wasn't starring in a movie.

Shaun broke eye contact. "Let's go."

I was glad his phone subsequently rang so he missed me sink in disappointment. It rang out three more times on our drive to the rink, each time with Shaun hitting ignore. The caller didn't seem to get the message and persisted.

"Are you sure you don't wanna answer that?" I questioned.

Shaun shook his head. "It's just my teammates. Exams are coming up and coach told us if we didn't get better scores than last term he would be cutting people off. Now they want me to help them study."

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