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The following day, I didn't cross paths with Ashton. Or it was more like she was avoiding me. Which might've been an immature and frankly bitter thing to do but I counted myself worse as I didn't even try to seek her out.

Once done with my morning classes, I returned to the hotel in wait for the highly anticipated interview which I still hadn't figured out which voice to listen to.

When I walked into the lobby, the receptionist Nadia stopped me to state a delivery man came by to drop a package. She was strangely enthralled about it and I wondered if Ben had sent me sex toys again.

"And don't worry, I haven't told your uncle about it 'cause I know he can get a little overprotective,” she started in a whisper.

"What?" I asked, not following.

"Oh, no need to put up an act. But also, don't let this pressure you into anything you're not up for yet, alright?" She winked.

Before I could attempt to get a better understanding of what on earth she was talking about, uncle Louie made an appearance and Nadia sealed up, pushing me into the nearest elevator with the final additional of saying that 'it' was in my room.

Perplexed, I reached my suite and opened the door. Nothing looked out of the ordinary— aside from the shopping bags by the foot of my bed. From the colours and material, these were no regular supermarket consumer shopping bags.

There was the distinct fragrance exuding from them you would smell in a store that serialised in cosmetics, or jewellery.

In each bag were dazzling threads from skirts to belts to boots. Counting them was a total of six complete outfits. Alongside three boxed products that appeared to be lotions of some sort with foreign names I'd never heard of. All I knew was that they were definitely high brand goods.

Baffled was an understatement. I was assuming that this must've been a mistake except all the clothes were my size. That didn't mean I ruled out a crazy coincidence of these presents belonging to some lucky lady who had a boyfriend with exemplary taste. It was everything I'd die to at least wear once, excluding the two blouses that were almost completely lace. I'd thought it was lingerie on first glance.

Then I'd spotted the neatly folded silver paper nestled amongst the luxuries. It came with a different scent apart from the rest which I recognised by one intake. Ms. Dion was the only one I knew who had this rosy aroma and I was no longer uncertain if this had been delivered to the right address.

Her writing was just as elegant and curt as I imagined.

To Stevie Powell,

I've checked out of the hotel to move to a penthouse apartment that will be much easier access to commute for Beswick's project. You weren't a colleague but I felt as my spirit guide, you're entitled to a payment for the job. Think of these as my way of saying thank you. At the bottom is a number to reach me by. Take care.

A smile spread on my lips. I really did seem to be meeting bizarre people recently in my life. For a lady I'd hardly known to bother thinking I needed to be thanked like this, was something else. Not to mention, it made me feel good. Proud.

It was a little different from seeing my name on the top scores on school work, or getting a prize. This felt bigger. I felt bigger.

I decided to try on a few, just one or two. Then quickly clear up the misunderstanding to Nadia that I didn't have a lover who was spending lavishly to my wardrobe. That was the plan.

However, the next thing I knew, there was a knock on my door that seized my attention from the mirror. My eyes landed on the floor that was moderately neat seconds ago, but was now littered with price tags and heels far apart from their respective pairs. A lace chiffon blouse wrapped around my body and a girl who looked far too composed in the exposure staring back. Yet, she looked pretty. She looked natural. More natural than I ever did in humble pajamas.

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