Coeus | A TWO

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to JosephinePond maplelatte7 and soya672 for all their encouraging words and feedback. Thanks so much! Big thank you to anyone else who read or voted and sorry if I missed you but feel free to let me know.

While everybody else was moving in paced steps to their lockers or the exits, I was whizzing through the corridors in a diagonal path like a pinball zigzagging back and forth on a board. It felt like it was my first day at the academy again. Holding my time table as I wandered through the seemingly endless corridors, panicking that I'd be extremely late and leave a bad first impression.

When I'd suddenly received a text on the group chat from the captain of Coeus to meet at the club quarters after school, I had realised my error too late. It would've been more ideal to head there straight after the bell instead of taking my sweet time because it was a fair distance from my classroom.

The club was located in an entirely separate building from the academy. It was a Victorian styled bricked housing with three storeys and its own garden. Numerous times a day I'd walk by and get lost in admiration of it which I knew was pretty pathetic, but it was all I could sustain myself with.

Now that was all changing and it gave me the surge of jitters as I approached the tall French doors that sealed off the entrance. I lifted the lion headed doorknocker to lightly slam against the wood. I wasn't expecting an answer in only seconds and was more surprised to find a tall elderly aged man in a black suit to be standing there.

"Miss Powell?" His voice deep and monotonous. I couldn't be certain if he was making an enquiry or a statement from observation.

"Uh, yes."

"This way, please." He gestured for me to enter and I nervously did so.

The interior was even more dazzling than the exterior, leaving me frozen in awe for a moment. Chandeliers hung from the high, vault ceilings and hanging in gilded frames of the intricately patterned walls were replicated landscape paintings. I distinguished they were of Scottish origin. Also Welsh, Irish and of course, English. It was like an exhibition dedicated to the British empire.

I snapped out of my trance when a hand tapped my shoulder and I was faced with the suited man again. "I shall guide you to the conference room."

"Oh um, okay." I nodded.

As I followed the man, I kept glancing around at the stunning place that held enough culture to rival a museum. Yet, I also felt torn at how much was being invested in a club that was meant to be for fun and socialising. Even replicas costed a fortune, with these art pieces being very authentic looking. It was taking itself a little too seriously.

Just like the batty headmaster.

Nonetheless, I couldn't wait to share the wonderful sight with Ashton and Liam. In case they thought I was exaggerating, I pulled out my phone to take some photos while doing my best to keep up with the guide who was strikingly fast for his old age.

"So, are you like, the usher for the club?" I questioned him.

"We're more of what you call the attendance for the members, miss. Here to ensure you're as comfortable as possible," he answered.

"Wow that's... hang on, did you say 'we?' "

Before I got an answer, a lady dressed in maid attire carrying a tray passed by us. I found myself watching her like she was the most bizarre thing in the world as she disappeared into another room. There were more of them!

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