Throne | A THREE

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My uncle gave me a strict curfew of six o'clock.

Which meant limited time to deal with schoolwork before having any free time left, resulting in a large lack of a social life. Though, I was prepared to sacrifice. Call me weird but I quite liked homework. I was fortunate enough to meet two people who crammed themselves into my tight schedule so I didn't end up a total loner.

Ashton and Liam happily invited themselves over since I didn't have enough time left to visit them. They always insisted they enjoyed being in my hotel room more than their own houses which I doubted but I kept it to myself.

They were eager for me to tell them all that occurred at the club meeting so I did.

"You have butlers?!" Liam exclaimed.

"Callahan called himself an attendant but yeah, I guess. In a way."

Ashton gawked, shaking her head. "That is mad. We were dead on to call that place the Nerd Cave."

"Yeah, do you have a satellite and a high tech automobile to fight crime too?" Liam joked.

"Nah, the automobile is for the seniors only."

My friends had their jaws dropping and I could only sustain the straight façade for three seconds before a snort escaped. "Oh my god, you should see the look on your faces. I'm kidding."

Liam exhaled a large breath while Ashton smacked my arm but I continued laughing.

"See, and The Aces weren't a problem now, were they?" Liam brought up and I knew it would reach that topic eventually.

I held back a groan. "No. Garren did dampen the mood a bit with his rude attitude but it was bearable."

They were wearing those smug grins now. Oh, great.

"Now what do you have to say for yourself?" Ashton started.

I played with my duvet covers, not wanting to yield.

"Stevie?" she pressed.

"You know, I'm kind of hungry. Wanna order some room service?" I suggested.

"Stevie, I take a psych class. Changing the subject to avoid confessing is the oldest trick in the book."

I let out a groan, "Okay, okay. You guys were right. I shouldn't have let Garren scare me away from what I wanted. It was stupid. I regret it."

The two imps exchanged that smirk before springing up to their feet to perform their dance of victory that meant 'We were right.' It was the most annoying thing in the world and not to mention cringey. Ashton would start shuffling while Liam was attempting to do break dancing. He defined the white boy with no rhythm.

They continued to jump about, shaking their bodies on my bed and I couldn't stand it anymore. "Okay, you two are just the worst." I took out my phone to run my favourite playlist. "This is how it's done."

The three of us were dancing horribly to our heart's content until we got a noise complaint from the guests next door so we called it a night at that.


I stood at my locker, rifling through the large textbooks stacked inside to find the right one and mulling over stopping by the Coeus clubhouse later on to use the study room. As a member now, the Coeus library was accessible to me at all times, even exceeding school hours, as stated in the club rules Michael handed me. However, I was concerned how it would go if one of The Aces happened to be there.

I wasn't worried of getting targeted by them but I still grew anxious in their presence. On an opposing thought, using the library meant a chance of running into Amina too which sounded great. I wondered how she looked when she was concentrating, if she had habits or cute quirks or methods I could learn.

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