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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to namjoonahsgirl and SadCloudyDay for all their great comments and feedback that always make me smile or laugh. I'm aware there are others too and plan to start dedicating more chapters to let them know I'm just as grateful to every one of you so stay tuned!

It was surprisingly easy to get dressed for class that following morning, despite learning I was being monitored.

Granted, there was a possibility Shepherd disabled the wiretaps overnight. Even if that meant my trump card to make her back down was gone, I'd have a fraction of my privacy returned so either way, it was a win for me.

As I was brushing my hair, my phone vibrated against the wood. I retrieved it from the nightstand, the day already seeming off to a good start when I saw a text from Shaun.
He was back in town from his dad's business trip to Venice. We'd chatted when he'd landed last night and agreed to have a pre-date sort of thing after school. I guessed I wasn't alone in being too eager to hold it in until the weekend.

Shaun- Quick question can you ice skate?

Me- Yes why?

Shaun- Just in case it gets too crowded at my place. My mum is having a few friends over so I was thinking it'd be best to get a plan B. That okay?

Me- Yeah :D

Shaun- :)

I caught that girl with my tamed mane and blunt dark eyes smiling cheerfully in my mirror. I was so glad he was back. I'd been around a bunch of exhausting people lately that I was on the verge of blowing a fuse. This was a gift straight from heaven.
I tried not to get distracted from the fantasies that would have me even later, when there was another buzz. I whisked my phone from my lap in a flash only to grow disappointed it wasn't Shaun's number. I placed the phone by my ear. "Hi, Liam."

"Hey Steves." His greeting was suspiciously cautious. "You doing alright?"

"Um yeah, fine. Why?"

"...You haven't seen it, have you?"

"Seen what?"

"Virtue uploaded a new video."

I didn't wait to hear anything more and hopped onto the Parr campus page. I scrolled through the recent section, coming empty on Virtue. So I took to the web and it didn't take long to pop up. It was more like it had been waiting for me.

The post was dated just after eight last night and nearly had as much views as the previous clip. I opened the link.
Growing up, as full of self-doubt as I had, I still did think maybe once or twice about how my name would first be shared to dozens across the country. Maybe when I won a Nobel Prize, closed a high international case as a big time attorney or in headlines for creating an invention of the century for mankind's evolution.
Never did I once dream it would be through a celebrity vlogger going on a rant for four minutes straight.

"I was going to surprise you all with an interview I scheduled with a member of St. Sinclair's highly esteemed academics club called Coeus. The member was one of the first girls to ever be admitted and I thought the piece would be great. I was wrong."

I watched as Ivanov went to claim that an actual interview had taken place but she'd scrapped it as it was 'controversial absurdity' she didn't want on her channel. That was only the first thirty seconds of the clip.
The rest carried on with her stating what a disappointment I'd been as a new door opening in Coeus' history for intellectual young girls. That I was a conformist, brainwashed by society, undermining what real feminists strived to achieve in this generation and all aspiring female students should avoid my influences.

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