Hangman | A FOUR

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I was still alarmed at what occurred at the Coeus library as I attended my remaining classes for the day. The fear on Ben and Will's faces were practically tattooed to my brain. The same pair that walked around so high and mighty looked no different than little kids scared their mother would find out they stained her pure white carpet.

Garren wasn't even present and it was very unlikely he would sniff out someone was on his 'seat'. Yet he held that kind of power over them to entice such intimidation. Strangely, I found it sort of fascinating.

As the bell rang to signal to end of school, I was swift to gather up my things and head to the clubhouse for 'Brain Tickling' as Michael had titled it in the text.

The book I'd checked out was the final thing I had to store in my bag and as someone dashing past accidentally bumped my shoulder, it slipped from my grip onto the floor.

I hurried to retrieve it, hoping it wasn't damaged because it would definitely cost a fortune to replace. A large hand grasped the book before mine and I was met with pretty pale green eyes along with golden curled locks.

"Uh, thanks," I mumbled.

Mr. Pretty green eyes peered at the book title as he extended it to me. "Hey, this is the first edition of the Poirot set! Where did you get this?" His face was brimming with amazement.

"Um, at the, the library," I stammered. I couldn't help it. His cuteness caught me off guard and I'd never known anyone to recognise an Agatha Christie classic by one glance.

His brows scrunched. "What? There's no way our dingy school library would have a gem like this. I would've seen it."

"No, not the school it's... a very special out of branch one," I simplified.

"Oh." He nodded. "Cool."

I just dumbly nodded back, staring at him for too long than normal and I'd learned from enough miserable past attempts at talking to people that if the silence proceeded longer than eight seconds, they'd walk away. It would be over. I needed to say something. Fast!

"S-So you like Agatha Christie books?"

Which was by far the most idiotic sentence to leave my lips.

He chuckled and that was cute, too. "Yeah, I do. I love her twists."

"Me too." I gave a wide smile that showed he had my full attention and not too wide to say that I was going to stalk him.

Well, not to illegal boundaries.

"Shaun!" called a boy by the classroom entrance carrying a large duffel bag that appeared to be for a certain type of sport.

Pretty green eyes nodded to the boy and switched back to me. "I've gotta go. Practice."

"Yeah, okay. Alright. Cool." I bit down on my lip before I could blabber out every synonym for indicating approval in the dictionary. God, I was a mess.

Despite this, he offered me a warm smile. "See you around."

I nodded and I gazed at his retreating figure disappear down the corridor, my insides flutter. "See you, Shaun," I whispered to myself to taste his name on my lips. It sounded perfect.

"Who are you talking to?"

I yelped, whipping my head to the voice that came from a classmate nearby who happened to overhear me.

"U-Uh, no one..."

The girl eyed me with a confused look, then shook her head and proceeded out of the class after muttering, "Weirdo."

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