Honesty | A THIRTY

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"Miss Ivanov has offered to interview you for an upcoming piece on her channel,” Ms. Shepherd said not a moment later after I'd settled down on a chair.


"Yes, she strongly insisted you'd be the most suitable for it so I told her you'd be delighted to."

"Oh, I am?"

Ms. Shepherd nodded. "The interview will be held at her dorm in Parr. Transport will be provided for you to and back. She said it'd come around one or two o'clock tomorrow, so I've issued you to be excused from all your classes between that period. Just stay at home and wait."


"Now, here is the most important thing.” She leant forth ever so slightly, elbows on desk. "I haven't been given the full details on this and although Ivanov has stated it will profit St. Sinclair, while also in her own way showing she means nothing against Coeus or the board's judgments— don't assume this will be a simple tea party. Words can't be as trusted as ink."

"What do you mean exactly, miss?"

"Ivanov succeeds as an advocate and frankly, quite arrogant. So the twit might have the intentions to use you as easy prey to scoop more out on Garren's social... endeavours."

"Like she did with Philip?"


"But if you're suspicious of that, why agree to the interview?" I asked.

"Because I don't back down from opportunities that can be profit. St. Sinclair wouldn't be standing where it is in title if I did. Listen very carefully, Stevie. You won't simply be going there as yourself but as the academy's representative. If Ivanov brings any controversial subjects, preferably in regards to accusations or rumours on Garren, you steer them clear of reflecting badly on the school. Even if for instance, it's a matter that can't promote it if verified, discard it instantly. Act oblivious if necessary. Understood?"

"Yes, miss."

Ms. Shepherd's eyes squinted. "You sure?"

"Yes, miss."

There was a silence that was broken by her leather chair squeaking when she shifted. "I want to make this clear; I want you to lie through your teeth."

"I got that bit, miss."

Another silence.

This one filled with her grey eyes scanning me pensively from where I sat, thin lips in a flat line. Then all at once, the interrogative cloud dispersed from her gaze and replaced by a light smile. "Oh, splendid. Well then, that'll be all."

I nodded and curtly took my leave, pretending I couldn't still feel her eyes on me.

A deep sigh leaving my lips and I dragged my hands through my hair. I'd been having to retain my built up agitation since yesterday when I found that note in my locker.

I had warily walked into the Coeus garden grounds that looked practically deserted, excluding the lone figure that came to be none other than Esme Ivanov.

Opposed to the cheery, goodwill demeanour she presented when arriving, she was stern and restless.

"No one followed you, right?" Ivanov questioned.

"Um no, why?"

She peeked over my shoulder first. "Nice to officially meet you." She stuck out her hand.

I took it gingerly. "Yeah, what's this about?"

Her expression was nothing short of serious. "Justice."

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