Everything | A FORTY FOUR

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A/N: Before I say my standard dedication, I'd like to give a big, long overdue thank you to none other than christbeulah. She's been an avid reader and dating back to my earlier books on Wattpad and I just wanted to let you know I've always been thankful for it.

This chapters dedication goes to;
ImaSuckaMC and CobiCo12! Your votes and comments are always welcome and appreciated!

I found it funny when there would come moments in life, you'd stress and strife over the outcome in a countdown that seemed endless. Until it did end.

Thing is, you couldn't really hold it, or pause it like a film or page in a book. You could only live onwards to look back at it.

From what felt like an ongoing night of anxiety with tossing and turning, faded into nothing when the sun came.

"CHEERS!" cried Ben, diving onto the bed and jostling us slightly at the impact. His medal slung over his neck. "Quick, someone put on We Are The Champions. I have this epic move for when the chorus hits."

"Ben you can't do a backflip." said Will.

"That's not what I was going to do." Ben denied. "It's a triple backflip!"

"Ben don't you even try it. I'm not taking you to the hospital again."

As Will continued to make warnings, Ben bounced away on the springs being joy personified. It brought a smile to my face and made the situation feel all the more real.

"Y'know, other than Ben you guys aren't acting like you just won the tournament." I commented to the boy perched by the balcony beside me, scrolling on his phone.

The three days of the junior IAO were over in the blink of an eye and St. Sinclair was deemed the victors. Other than the big smiles for the camera and the shiny medals adorning our necks with the plaque, it had felt like any other day. Excluding that we were camped in Garren's single deluxe suite.

When I'd walked in those three nights ago all shaken up, I hadn't had the time to admire the greater decor and charm of the regal chamber that was twice the size of the regular suites. I knew it wasn't only me impressed with how Will and Ben climbed up on the emperor sized satin sheets like kids playing up on a fort. The pair hadn't left the comforts since we entered from leaving the Pennant Hall. I regretted not taking Garren up on his offer. Amina was a snorer.

"Benny has it in his nature to look for any excuse to get excited." said Garren. "It's a little juvenile to behave overzealous at winning something for the fourth time."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah alright, 'cool guy'."

"So what about yourself then?"


"If anyone has an excuse to be jumping off the roof it's you. Taking down Míng Dao's elite on your first participation at IAO- quite the accomplishment."

"I didn't take Xinyi down. She beat me four out of five matches."

"But you beat her at chess. That game counts for double more than the others, not to mentions she hates losing the most at a challenge in wits. It's her greatest high to get off on."


"She won't forget you for it, trust me."

As crazy as it may have seemed to reassure me the girl who was viciously scowling at the other side of the table when I put her in checkmate and looked ready to bite my head off if there weren't witnesses, I did hope I was memorable. Even for petty revenge. That would certainly be a feat worth jumping off the roof for.

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