Tapestry | A FORTY

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A/N: I dedicate this chapter to KenzieJolie and Greenpepsi21. Thank you guys for all your great feedback and votes! I look forward  to hearing more from you guys ^^

The last ten minutes had been seeming surreal as I thought it back. Garren's ambush, me brushing him off and the look on his face before he left. I could see it every time I closed my eyes and I wondered why. Did I regret it? But I couldn't go distracting Garren with my personal matters when he had to focus on Coeus.

That was selfishness speaking. I'd only jeopardise myself by wavering. Which was the result of missing the unknown number calling Hess' smartphone due to mulling over kicking out Garren. I had to though, with everything his prodigy brain was putting together in seconds, in a room I wasn't sure was still being bugged. Ms. Shepherd could've still been listening and that would've ruined everything for sure.

I needed to get my act together.

Hess' phone was password protected, making calling the number back an obstacle and after several failed attempts, I gave up on trying to unlock it. The wallpaper depicting the prick's face at each guess felt mocking and only served to infuriate me so I tossed it aside.

My nice, long soak in the tub aided to ease some frustration and once pruned to every fingertip, I got set for bed. Sleep would be another step I'd reach probably after reading a few chapters of my novels. As I nestled in the covers and disconnected my phone from the charger, there was a new message.

Shaun- sorry for the late mention but do u want me to pick u up or we meet there??

Our movie date.

In all the hectic turn of events, I'd completely forgotten it was tomorrow. Perhaps cancelling was the best way to go with X stating he'd 'be in touch', whenever that was. Except I'd already had to bonk off my personal time with Shaun for a self assured, domineering snob before. Also, my memory of Shaun's lips was getting foggy and I could definitely do with refreshing.

Me- you can pick me up ;)

After adding the address, I hit send. Attention rotated to novel. I began flipping through the pages for when I'd last stopped, bookmarks and I had a slippery relationship since I always misplaced them.

Late into the peaceful night, my nose was drawn out of the pages of sultry exchanges and steamy affairs by ringing. I saw my phone immobile and registered it wasn't my own then scoured for Hess'.

I discovered that the place I'd ditched it was by the drapes. This time, the number was titled as 'F*ck boy Frank'. Feeling generous, I answered. "Hey sorry but Hess can't come to the phone, do you mind passing it on that he left it—?"

"Evening, Buns."

His voice was particularly poise.
"...You left your phone with me on purpose."

"Well you wouldn't give me your number, how else was I meant to call you?"

"Are you serious?"

"It worked, didn't it?"

"I might not have answered the phone for all you know."

"Actually, it's because of what I know. You think I just randomly borrowed my mate's phone with the interesting name to call? I told you I know you."

"Am I supposed to be impressed?"

"Don't act like you're not."

"You planned this whole elaborate scheme you could've avoided by just, I don't know— not doing it. You've literally gained nothing."

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