Wonderland | A TWENTY TWO

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I knew I was trying to distract myself from the emotional outburst I'd had when I'd finished four of the five erotic novels Ben sent over in the last few hours.

The wall clock read quarter to seven but I wasn't sleepy in the slightest. I dialled in mum's number.

Only after planning the perfect lines to supply a reason for a late night call that wouldn't arouse any suspicion.
I only wanted to chat for a bit, not trouble her about my miserable lack of talent in communication. I had nothing to justify it, even if I wasn't familiar with things you did with friends due to lack of experience, I should've handled the situation better.

Instead I was spiteful and used what I knew against them just to make them feel guilty. To shift attention from my own distrust. I still couldn't find courage to ring either of them up to apologise because truthfully, I didn't want to say it yet.

A part of me was hopeful they were at home, regretting their actions, being liars and hurting me. I wanted them to feel that way a little longer and it horrified me that I felt this way. I'd never been so selfish but I couldn't stop or reason with it. My thoughts were scaring me and I needed something homely to remind me of the girl I was.

The girl who didn't prioritise herself first, who wasn't underhanded and didn't want to be around people who were up to no good.

The girl I should be.


I noted how thick and muffled her voice rang out. "Hi, mum. Were you sleeping?"


She was lying. It was weird, however. Mum never headed to bed early. She loved being up and about. She only stayed put if she was feeling sad or maybe had a fight with...

Dad. That must've been it. She probably found out about the debts in an unfavourable manner and confronted him fiercely. My plans for a calm resolve just went out the window.

"Why are you calling at this time? Is something wrong?"

I held in a sigh. "No, mum." I took extra care in keeping my voice even. "I um, called you by mistake. Sorry."

She chuckled. "That's okay."

"I'll talk to you later. Bye." I hastily hung up an exhaled.

The silence had returned to urge those thoughts to kindle in haste. Next thing I knew, my hands were rummaging through my sock drawers until they uncovered the old shoebox hidden beneath.

I gingerly held the Ace phone in my hands. It looked just as brand new as the day it was given. No sign that it had been stashed away for nearly a month.

The Aces' numbers were already stored, a discovery I made on the first time I switched it on. My thumb hovered on Will's line and Garren's, even Ben's. I just wanted someone to keep these confusing feeling away. At least for tonight.

After a maddening span in wavering, I dropped the mobile back in the box. I got changed into my swimsuit and grabbed a towel. If my brain refused to let me sleep, then I'd wear my body out until it was forced to submit.

There was hardly anyone present in the pool as the rules were regulated for it to be closed in the next twenty minutes. The time flew by as I repeated back strokes from one end to the other.

The night staff Jeffrey announced to the remaining two residents it was closing time and it only took one glance of recognition for him to know I wanted overtime. He subtly nodded and soon, I was the only person floating in the water. Jeffrey would leave the keys on the counter by the light switch controls for me to lock up on my own once I was done.

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