Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

'What the hell happened?'

Seol was surprised by the system message. Not just the message though, he was also surprised by his surroundings.

Rays of light poured in as human-shaped silhouettes appeared.

Even though Seol couldn't see nor hear them, he could tell by their movements that they were panicking.

"Were they also... dragged into it?"

It was a horrible thought and something he prayed wasn't true. He hoped that the people of Earth weren't all dragged into it.

Because in the end, reality becoming a game is on another dimension from having some special dreams.

- The place where you lived has turned into another world. The World Merge was scheduled for today. Your world will be combined with The World of Eternity, Pandea.

That was something Kodon told him.

Seol finally understood what those cryptic words meant.

And yesterday, coincidentally, The World of Eternity ended its trial period.

"Have people entered The World of Eternity?"

It was a reasonable guess.

The people behind it were probably those gods he talked with every night.

'I can't believe it wasn't something that only existed in my dreams...'

Seol used to believe that they were just figments of his imagination, but it turned out they were actual gods.

Seol thought back and went over the parts he was reluctant to think about.

'No, it would've been even weirder if they existed only in my dreams...'

Because Seol thought they were imaginary, he simply didn't think too much about their existences.

But it was clear that they were real.

Because this wouldn't be possible unless they were real.

Seol stood blankly for a second before laughing.

"Pfft... I was tricked? No, maybe I tricked them?"

In Seol's excuse, he didn't take off his mask for the others to reveal his true identity because he didn't see a reason to.

But now that he thought about it, he was glad he didn't. If they found out he was a human before it was the time of harvest, he would've been ripped to shreds like they initially wanted to.

'Insect, huh... Was me looking at the world on the same level as them, something to get that mad about?'

As Seol understood what situation he was in, he chuckled. The scary thing was that even though he was smiling, his eyes were cold.

Seol was filled with a sense of disappointment and betrayal but he was also filled with a sense of inferiority.

But the biggest emotion he felt was rage. He almost died in vain without even being able to resist.

'Are you guys... really that amazing?'

There was only one reason he was about to die... it was because he was human.

- How dare you try to talk with us like we're on the same level!

It was only for that simple reason.

'If me being a human pisses you off that much, then...'

His eyes were ice cold. It was the eyes of someone who had resolved themselves.

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