Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

A lot of things went into a person's life.

Their values, aspirations, worth... Life is a record of a person's life from the cradle to the grave and death was the period that signaled the end.

"No, that's what I'm saying! What's going to happen next after we rest for a month?"

"I think that..."

Seol felt that his surroundings were a bit loud and got up from his seat.

"Let's go somewhere else. It's too loud here."


After paying, the two went outside the bar.

It was a dim evening.

The people that were freed from the fear of death all acted in all sorts of different ways.

"We humans have committed countless sins. This is our judgment!"

"We must purify ourselves! Purify ourselves!"

People who were wearing strange clothes were shouting that out.

Even though they probably believed in different gods on Earth, their actions now only contributed to the current turmoil from the World Merge.

"Darn, it's loud here too. I know a place where we can have a quiet conversation. How about we go there?" said the old man.

"Where is it?"

"...It's my old workshop."


Why was the old man calling it his 'old' workshop?

'Is he not using it anymore?'

Because Seol lacked information about the sidequest, he couldn't refuse the old man's proposal.

And just like that, Seol headed to the old man's workshop.

The old man looked a bit sad and alright at the same time.

He looked like someone who was preparing himself for bad news.

"So... you mentioned it was a workshop. What kind of workshop is it?"

"What's the point of telling you now when you'll find out when you get there?"

- You can still tell us, sir...

- I've definitely heard that before kek

Seol thought to himself while trailing the man before opening his mouth.

"It's a watchmaking workshop, isn't it?"

"At least you can read context clues. Didn't I tell you that already at the bar though?"

The old man took a glance at the pocket watch before letting out a sigh.

"I told you that I thought that I made that watch."

Eventually, Seol and the old man reached a remote area of Kongory.

It wasn't an underdeveloped or poor area but it was definitely away from the main market.


The old man pulled out a key and gripped it tight as he opened the door.

"It's... still the same."

The interior was filled with cobwebs and had a bit of a moldy smell to it. However, Seol didn't feel particularly uncomfortable by it. It just felt like entering a workshop that hadn't been maintained.

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