Chapter 151

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Chapter 151

- Man, hunting must be so easy for the Immortal. I wish I could auto-hunt with creations like the Immortal too!

- People would think creation is the Immortal's only ability if they heard that.

- How did he make that flesh golem? Is there a recipe or something for it? Ah, I'm near you right now, if you aren't busy... Ah, you're busy?

The Immortal was an expert in creation, even recognized by the gods themselves.

And Seol had those memories, the memories of someone whose horrifying creations had left a deep mark on history.




It was difficult.



It was extremely difficult.

His black creations would repeatedly pop and crumble away.

Seol had managed to pour out shadows from his hands but continuously failed to create anything with them.

It really was way more difficult than Seol thought it would be.

'...I thought I'd be able to do it right away.'

- Don't tell me he thought he'd do it in one go LOOOL

- He thought he was a genius HAHAHA

- Have you forgotten, Snowman? You're not Sasuke, you're Rock Lee.

- You're the 'hard worker' character! Don't forget your true self!

As the viewers suggested, Seol was known for his tenacity.

Seol continued to knead his shadows.

Crumble... Crumble...

"...This is impossible."

Seol made a mistake by refusing Frannan's help. He had become too confident after learning that it was a creation ability.

- Did he never take an art class? LOL

- I mean, even other classes make you do stuff like this...

- Argh... You're not supposed to do it like that...

Seol only possessed the Immortal's memories. He was not the Immortal himself. In other words, he did not possess the same talent as the Immortal.


"Ah... again..."

- Excuse me, is that your mental crumbling away?

- It also kind of sounds like someone shitting themselves.

- Who the fuck makes a 'crumble' sound when they go to the bathroom?

- Ah, sorry. I've been having stomach issues.

- Ah... I hope you get better, dude.

As the viewers continued to mock and insult Seol, another voice chimed in as well.

[Arghhh! I can't watch this anymore!]

"...What are you doing?"

[It's so frustrating to watch! I can't stand it!]

"...Shut up and keep watching."


- Ed...ward. Big brother.

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