Chapter 152

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Chapter 152

After seeing the mysterious holy relic in Seol's hands, Karen and Karuna recalled a completely forgotten memory.

It was a memory from the distant past, from when they first entered Montra's secret storage room.

* * *

"...And for that reason, we will be having an excursion."

"Do apprentice knights normally have an excursion to the imperial family's secret storage?"

"A good question, Karuna. This is an opportunity you've received because Karen, your older sister, incessantly begged him. Do you understand the situation now?"

"I do, Sir Lain. Karen has caused another incident."

"Hahaha... Well, Jin is the type to listen to any request..."

"Still, she shouldn't have done that."


While Lain scratched his nose, Karen spoke up, addressing both the storage keeper and Lain.

"What's that over there?! Where did you get that?" asked Karen.

"That's um... hm... it's definitely looted goods, but... where did we get this?"

"...It's alright. I stopped wanting to hear after you said 'looted goods'."

"It would be stranger if everything flowing into an Empire this large were ordinary. I don't know much about them either, except for a select few. Don't tell me... did you expect me to describe them kindly to you, Karen?"

"No! I didn't expect anything at all because Lain isn't kind!"

"I like your honesty. All knights should be like that. Now, what are you supposed to do when a senior knight compliments you?"


Karen quickly put her heels together.

"Ah! Thank you!"

"Get rid of the 'Ah!'."

"Thank you!"

"Nice, okay. I'm teaching you this now for when you officially become a knight later, alright? It's all for your sake."

"What a boomer..."

"What did you say?"

"It's nothing!"

The group entered deeper into the secret storage.

With a mischievous look, the young Karen then directed a question to Lain.

"So... what are the 'select few' that you know...?"

"Hm... Don't be curious about it."

"But I am curious, though? I'm so curious I can't stand it~"


"Even though we came all this way? Even though I'd probably beg Jin again if we go back like this?"


"Then we'd have to come back again, wouldn't we? And you'd have to come back with us too, Lain~"

"Fine, I guess there wouldn't be any issues if I showed you. Open the inner door."


"Quickly. Nothing will happen."

"I understand, Sir Lain."

Rumble rumble...


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