Chapter 121

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Chapter 121



"Ahhh! The floor!"

Even though Juyeon wasn't the one hit by the hammer, she sure screamed like it.

It was because Boseok's hammer left an unsightly mark on the innocent floor.

Karen used that opening to strike Boseok's chin.


Boseok seemed quite capable of taking hits as well. Boseok endured Karen's attack and shouted, swinging his hammer once more.

"Krgh... Don't mock me! Unsheathe your sword!"

"My sword? That's not a hard request, but I don't want to accidentally cut you."

In other words, Karen was taking it easy on Boseok.

Boseok started to become more and more furious.

Karen hadn't used any skills at all, and despite that, Boseok couldn't even touch the tips of her hair.

This proved that their skills were worlds apart. In fact, this was Boseok's first time facing such an opponent after being transferred to Pandea.

Even so, Boseok saw a way to turn the tables.

It was a method that was almost instinctual to him.


"That won't work—"

It was a downward swing.

Karen easily avoided the hammer that had way too much force in it.

However, Boseok wasn't aiming for her.


He spun his hammer and aimed to strike Seol, who was observing the situation behind her.


"Block it!"

Shouts and screams filled the halls.

And then, in an instant, it became completely silent.


Seol had partially entered the Night Crow state with his right hand to easily stop Boseok's hammer.


No one could make a sound.

Even though the audience felt the weight of Boseok's battle hammer each time he swung it, the moment Seol caught it with his hands, it looked incomparably light.

Karen swiftly unsheathed her sword and pressed it against Boseok's defenseless neck.

A drop of blood spilled out as Karen made a shallow cut. If she moved her sword even just a bit closer, it would slice Boseok's neck.

Karen spoke in a furious tone.

"Can I kill this old man?"

It was a question for Seol.

Seol shook his head in response.

Seol had already anticipated Boseok might resort to something underhanded like this and prepared for it.

Boseok carefully raised his hands in surrender.

"I-I give up on the labyrinth."


That was the sound of Juyeon's hand meeting her forehead.

Simultaneously, someone shouted in shock after using an analysis skill.

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