Chapter 84

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Chapter 84

Not too long after, the transferees who set up Audenin as their location were all causing a commotion.

"Y-You weren't lying? They really are close to 2 million points!"

"Who could it be? Changsik only came back yesterday."

"I never would've imagined that the Park Changsik would've been pushed down to Rank 2... this is crazy."

Park Changsik, the man closest to 1 million Adventure Points among the transferees in Audenin, was in an uproar. He had a handsome face with a sharp jawline.

"Gasp... Gasp... Did you find them? Any news?"

"Nothing, hyung. We have our guild members asking around, but you already know how hard it is to find a single transferee in a big city like Audenin..."

"You're not wrong. Still, do your best. I want you to grab anyone who looks suspicious and ask them."

"What are we? Thugs?"

"I just want you to do whatever it takes. Regardless, damn it... Got it! Keep looking!"

"Yeah, hyung!"

Audenin's transferees united together under the banner of the five major guilds within the city.

Unity wasn't always the case, but thanks to Changsik leading the charge against evil individuals and chasing them out of the city with the help of other transferees, he paved the way to set up this system early.

The guilds, like different religions, had different values but were all on a similar scale.

Kongory was eventually able to set up a system like Audenin too, but they were a bit lacking individually compared to the transferees in Audenin.

And the de facto leader of Audenin, a place filled with many powerful transferees, was looking for someone.

Even though Changsik had just returned from an Adventure and was in the process of recovering, he left the guild building to search for them on the streets.

'2 million points... How were they able to reach that?'

Changsik also considered himself a very exceptional person and there was a reason for it too.

His overwhelming Adventure Point total.

Even when compared to the rankers of the nearby cities, few people who surpassed him, if any.

Well, he did hear about a transferee in a city to the northwest named 'Private' who surpassed 1 million points, but he didn't trust in something he didn't see for himself.

After all, he knew the types of Adventures he went on.

That was why he couldn't believe that someone went on Adventures much more difficult than his, ones so difficult that it resulted in accumulating nearly double his points.

The first thought he had was that the person who had the score either cut corners or was lying about their points entirely.

However, right now, in front of him, he could see that unbelievable score.

A mysterious person who pushed him off the Rank 1 position with a point total that doubled his...

'Damn it... Because they made their information private, this primitive method is the only way I have to find them.'

Still, the fact that Audenin had most of its transferees in guilds like this was useful in these situations.

Since guilds interacted with each other often, it was easy to spot a new Adventurer in the city.

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