Part 6: dreams and themes

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10/5/2023 6:20pm

Every time I walk by a dandelion I want to make a wish on it
Every time I pass by a dandelion something holds me back from it
Why do I feel frightened
To walk, off of the path
To do something nice for myself while thinking others laugh
I want to wish on a dandelion when they pass me by
But every time I find one
I never question why,
I never stop for wishes
On weeds that spout up tall
I wish to wish on dandelions
To dance in the rainfall
To stray from sidewalks
Spin till dizzy
Dance around
In this I'm happily busy in
A dreamworld where I wish
on every passing weed
Where children laugh
Fairy's fly
And I am all I need
10/6/2023 9:20am


There's something so universal about the thrill of travel
Airports existing in a plane all their own
Existing in the in between of life
Excited energy swarms through tired faces and comfy cloths.
The thrills of the unknown invade every pore of my skin
To begin
a journey
To end the next.
Sitting in watching
Sitting in wait
Overpriced meals ever satiating with glee
Poised stewardesses asking me
Catching glimpses of people you may never see
Sit here with my thoughts
Just listening to me
And my Billy joal playlist keeping me calm
The thrill of travel never ceases to amaze
Going somewhere different putting me into a craze
Adventures ensuing
Stagnant air comes to close
As a new storm blows, in
Ready to go
Air traffic control
Glowing rods in the mist
Grey humid air is my favorite
Embodying the gist between,

Of rain and sun
Of dull and fun
Of sitting in a small airport
With grey colored Mats
Bouncy white tiles
Alive in day and in nights
Coffee tastes best
No I can never seem to rest
Looking out the windows onto the sky
Onto my next adventures I'm ready to fly
The waiting is really the hardest part
at my gate alone hours before I'm set to go
This big shots living her life
You may be right sounds a
Jazz guitar
Nothing is swankier
Nothing is more fun
Than an airport
In the middle of no where
With people of all backgrounds passing through leaving home their car
When Billy joal described it
I think an airport is
Airport bird

To be a bird in an airport
Must be pretty fun

Peace 10/14/2022 1:20am

Sometimes I don't want to be resilient
Sometimes I just want to cry
Sometimes I want to be a child
When they told me I was wise
Sometimes I wish I were an eagle
I used to wish I could fly
Away from a life un forgiving
Away from ties and yells and lies
Do you ever feel tired
Do your legs ever hurt from running
Do you ever inquire
That you deserve a little bit of time,
Time, time

Right now I'm glad I have a new pack
I hope that this time they last
Right now I'm covered in a few cracks
Right now I'm caulking them with lime
A little bit of citrus to shock you right
A sour taste left in my mouth only after one night
The coffees tasting bitter as it keeps me up and I
Have a pounding head ache will it leave I hope it might
Droopy eyes
Longing sighs blow out air like a whistle
But all I hear are autumn leaves that crunch just like a thistle
Sprinting from each task to task
Stressed my family will see the slack
Chipping up what I've repaired
Throw this glass vase down the stairs
There's no music room waiting for me
No cute men with time or tea
Just myself and I and me
Awake in the night thinking tirelessly
About each days never ending dream
When I wake from this nightmare I'm likely to scream
The knives been in my chest but I've yet to bleed
Block out the pain until it beckons me
That until they are removed I don't know if I'll ever find peace.
At 1:20 in the morning after Friday the

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