Part 14: Phoenix

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11/17/2003 11:49

The idea of sewing is philosophical
Using something small to create something big
Through persistence and wits
Taking elements
Using gifts
that you have at your fingertips

making a masterpiece thread by thread
With discipline ingrained
Such as making your bed
Every moment every mistake is planned
Every screw up
a creative demand

So I'm sewing and sewing as fast as I can

Now I'm stuck.
I'm all tangled up

Laughing is this just a question of luck
Work harder and harder on nothing to show.
If they've got a head start. I've still gotta ways to go.

If anyone can do it.
It's gotta be me
No more distractions I'm taking full responsibility,

What is it Elle says in legally blond?
"No more whining or blaming I'm reclaiming my pride"
So tired of my past so let's
"knock it aside"

I'm ready for action
Lightning fingertips
"Chain yourself to a chair and write until something is complete" my professors partner quips.
So I did that last night,
now something's under my belt.
With the Hollywood standard as my sword.
And my mind as a shield.
I'm ready to step into battle
mind ready to wield.
It's time for boredom and blockages to yield.
Now fall at the feet of the new world I create
I will fight through these pages to give you an honorable
With a fleet of letters
In the misty ocean sage
So are we ready to start?
Let's begin with the title page.
11/17/2023 4:52

Something is changing.
I don't know how or why
Something's evolving
Is the blood inside the vine
Growing where it doesn't belong
Thriving in conditions that were thought gone
And now I sit here in the mist and the fog, plotting out routes to the sailors above
The albatross has long been gone
I hear the sounds of island songs
Is this real or just a mirage
Good times are coming
I am far from lost


The sunset is a phoenix
That comes out once a day
On the River it shines
On full display
Out of the waters and into the dusk
Shining on newborns and groves formed with husks
Glowing and shining no concept of rush
Just patient and sparkling
Is the phoenix at dusk
Will fly over and over till time goes to rust
Then explode into peices and live as

Puppeteers and lying strings
Projecting on you their insecurities
Screams from the jury
Screams from the court
To get the honest man to lie
For purpose of their own enjoyment
Where do you pricks get off
Picking on my family I'm ready to go
If you ever mess with my sister again
I'll hunt you down
And display your blackmail
What a show

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