Final Part: Slammed shut, Open Door

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3:31pm nail salon 5/8/2024

Open door

School is over
I guess
so is this
era, all consuming
existing within a vacuum
doubts in struggles
Trails and more ,
I can't relive
But maybe that's what
Interwoven words and feelings are for
Stories of the mind
Feelings of the heart
Encapsulating the moment
Now is finished from the start
The fall fades quickly, like the green from the leaves
The winter froze and melted
Dripping off branches from the trees
The pollen blows in circles all around me
To say
It's time for change
A new age
From March to May
And tulips shine
Blossoms bud
Books close
Doors shut
The audience claps
The pianist sits back down to play
The next songs a good one
The summer blues
Hot humid days
And I can't wait
And I don't know
But the door is open
It's shining bright
So now that one behind me slammed closed, I think I'll walk towards the light.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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