6- The Fateful Dance

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Elora pov:

I pressed my cheek into my palm and hummed along to the classic music as I twirled the expansive crystal glass between my index finger and thumb.

My eyes lazily shifted towards the young lady playing piano, while other ladies were lined up waiting for their turn, and my fingers started itching. I averted my gaze to the couples dancing gracefully in the middle of the ballroom. I puffed my cheeks wishing I could dance as nearly as well as them. I was always a clumsy dancer, and anyway, no one had asked me for a dance.

After a while, I started feeling bored, even miserable. I chugged down the last sips of the fruity cocktail I had left in my glass.

My eyes roamed around the hall, the Earl and the boys were discussing business and politics with other noblemen. The countess and Delphine were around a group of noble ladies; she had to introduce Delphine to society as her warden. I joined them first, but I quickly got tired from repeating the same polite conversations, and my cheeks stung from smiling all the time. Socializing wasn't meant for me.

Suddenly I heard a name being announced and I almost dropped the crystal glass to the floor. I inhaled sharply. I knew I'd see him here. I had prepared myself all day, and yet I wasn't ready at all.

"Announcing His Grace Duke of Irvine, Her Grace duchess of Irvine, and lord Aurelius of Irvine."

They say villains were made: An abusive father, a mother who saw her son as nothing but a pawn to achieve her goals, the typical recipe to make a villain.

My eyes bulged out, I felt like a blow was directed to my heart when I turned my head towards the Irvine family.

It was him! The stranger from the dandelion field was Aurelius Irvine.

I was so stupid to convince myself otherwise... But wasn't he supposed to be with the prince abroad? It was mentioned in the novel that they were together, the king typically glued the two boys together from a very early age.

It was as if time had stopped; Everything and everyone around him froze, and all eyes were fixated on him, you'd think he was the king, not a duke's son. His head held high, back straight, chest puffed out, he exuded confidence as he walked behind the Duke and towards the king.

A dark blue cape, adorned with golden embroidery in the hem, was draped over his back and covering his left arm. The sky blue brooch decorating his coat's collar reflected the light of the chandeliers, and it was attached by a thin gold lapel chain to an identical brooch placed on his cape, above his chest.

The Irvine family bowed before the king, however, his majesty's attention was all on Aurelius. He was speaking to him with a wide pearly smile on his face as if he was trying to please him, however, Aurilius had a poker face all the time.

Between him and the prince, you'd wonder who was colder.

My lips pouted in confusion, I noticed Castiel or Aurelius didn't even glance at each other as if they were strangers. Aren't they supposed to still be best friends at this point?

"Elora, it's been a while.'' I turned my head toward the feminine voice, and I was immediately blinded by a huge fuschia ball. Beatrice stood before me wearing a grand bright pink gown. The color complimented her skin tone, however, if she passed by you, your eye would automatically follow her. If she planned to be the center of attention, she nailed it.

I smiled politely and said, "Yes, it's good to see you."

"It is? I've been desperately trying to contact you for the last month. Why were you ignoring me? Why?" She whined, lightly stomping her bejeweled heels on the marble floor.

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