15. Alma

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Elora pov:

Those magnificent black eyes followed me as I moved on my tiptoes across the stable. He looked majestic, his golden coat shimmered in the dim light, and my fingers itched to run through his glossy mane.

"Wow, so beautiful." I marveled under my breath, holding out a carrot to him in my open palm.

"How cute! you are the cutest, aren't you," I cooed giggling as his velvety lips brushed against my palm sniffing the carrot before he accepted it with a loud crunch. I allowed my trembling fingers to dance along the horse's neck. My smile widened as he fluttered his long eyelashes and nuzzled against my hand, he seemed to enjoy my touch.

"My lady!" I jumped in fright as a male voice called out. I slowly turned around and found the stable boy standing behind me, eying me with confusion. I could hear him thinking 'What the heck is she doing here?'.

"How may I assist you, my lady?" He asked carefully.

"I'd like to take this beauty on a ride." I grinned and the boy's face flashed different shades of red. Is he alright?

He blinked his eyes taken aback by my request, before he gathered his words and said politely: "My lady, I am afraid it is not safe to venture out at this late hour. Perhaps my lady can find a more suitable time tomorrow.. when the sun is up?"

"Oh, don't worry about that." I waved my hand dismissively, "This is the perfect time."

"My__my lady, may I ask wherever his lordship has approved you to ride at this hour." His voice wavered as he spoke, and his gaze hung low as if afraid of my reaction.

I pursed my lips, time was running. I stood taller squaring my shoulders, hoping to look intimidating.

"Who am I, boy?" I arched my eyebrow, crossing my arms against my chest, my voice hard.

"My Lady Elora Verloin." The poor boy stuttered, instinctively taking a step back.

"Then if I say I want the horse, what would you do?" I locked my eyes firmly with him.

"Prepare the horse for my lady." He answered defeatedly.

"Very well then," I nodded my head to the horse and the boy went to work.

"Now go back to wherever you were before I arrived. Remember You haven't seen me, I haven't seen you." I instructed him when he finished. He bowed his head in response and hurried away.

Now let's see if those ridding lessons Nana paid for were worth it, I thought as I grabbed the reins. I gulped, It's been years since I touched a horse, since I was twelve, exactly. I hope I won't fall and break a bone.

Taking a deep breath, I carefully placed my foot in the stirrup and swung myself into the saddle. The horse remained calm during the process, such a sweet boy, I must get him more treats.

When I settled down, I took a glance at the map before I folded it and placed it in my cardigan's pocket.

"Now let's go," I whispered, gently caressing the horse's head.


Dandelions flew by as my horse thundered across the open field, his pace matched perfectly with that of my heartbeats. I struggled to get a clear view of my surroundings, my hair kept wiping around my face and my fingers refused to abandon the reins to brush it away, afraid of any unwanted consequences. However, that grand mansion I couldn't miss, its ivory walls almost kissing the sky and those majestic trees surrounding it.

"Woah, we've arrived" I lightly patted my horse, and he gradually slowed down before he stopped completely.

Adrenaline cursed through my veins as I swiftly jumped off the horse's back and sped to the gates. My whole attention was on the distant illuminated, lancet windows hoping to catch a glimpse of what was happening inside. However, I was abruptly stopped in my tracks as a bulky guard cladded in heavy armor stood tall between the gate and me.

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