7. Choices

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3rd pov:

Children's laughter intertwined with the lively music as they ran through the bustling streets clutching coins in their tiny hands, eager to enjoy the fresh goods as the delicious aromas wafted through the air. Beneath the vibrant colorful flags adorning the town square, men and women, in their best clothes, swirled and twirled playfully in harmony with the melodies.

Among the cheerful crowd, a man strode down the main street, his figure was concealed beneath a dark cloak. Out of habit, his eyes scanned everyone and everything around him. He came to a sudden halt as his gaze fell upon her.

An angelic smile was lightening up her face, unlike any he had ever seen before; A contrast to the fake smiles she usually wore. This smile was innocent, pure even ... and he couldn't deny she looked ethereal. Paired with that serene look in her eyes, he could swear there was no malice behind those windows of her soul. It was not that he never noticed the girl's beauty before; he wasn't blind, after all. Yet at this moment, she was so beautiful, it filled his chest with an unfamiliar warmth he had never felt before.

He clicked his tongue, annoyed by this strange emotion, annoyed by her presence. Ever since that day, he couldn't shake her from his thoughts; something was off about her, it was bothering him. And yet, once again, there she was displaying more of her new perplexing behavior as if she were a whole new person.

Her arm was linked with Delphine Bexley's hand, chatting and acting like the best of friends.

His lips tightened into a thin line, Delphine danced with the supposed 'love of her life', she destroyed other girls for less. However, this, he could explain. Elora Verloin, behind that friendly facade, was scheming to end the girl just like the ones before her. He almost felt pity for the Bexley girl.

But the image of her sitting on a dusty carpet, her head resting on the shoulder of her maid surrounded by children of common birth enjoying the marionette play was not Elora-like.

It annoyed him.

People to him were like open books, and Elora Verloin was no exception. She was predictable, running around in her lavish gowns and expensive jewels, always glued to the insipid Beatrice, her only goal in life was to become the future queen.

He tapped his index finger lightly on his lips, "Curious," He mumbled to himself, a devious smile creeping across his face.

He could not wait to unveil the secret of this sudden change.

Elora pov:

Our heads spun around in unison as we heard gasps from the adjacent table. A group of noble young ladies was gathered around someone, their faces filled with astonishment. I craned my head to get a better view.

"Is that lady Angeline?" Although I could only see the top of her head, that shade of fiery copper hair only belonged to Lady Angeline Feirknight.

"What is happening there?" Delphine huffed in intrigue, as she stood a bit taller.

"Sir Nikolai Arden proposed to Lady Angeline last night. She is likely showing her ring to the ladies". Dorothy nonchalantly munched on her cake, as if she didn't just put an end to our misery and satisfied our curiosity.

"Wasn't she engaged to Lord Kline? Lady Morgan visited us last month and mentioned that her nephew was betrothed to Lady Angeline," Delphine leaned slightly toward Dorothy for more information, with her eyes wide open.

"But Lady Angeline danced with only Sir Nikolai in the last balls I intended. I have never seen her with Lord Kline." My eyebrows furrowed, isn't dancing together at every ball in this world like dating in our world, or something like that?

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