11. A Plot Twist

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Elora pov:

Not knowing what lay ahead, the unlimited possibilities for what could happen the next second, held the power to either paralyze us; or ignite the flame that set hope ablaze in our hearts. All while being in the most natural state of our existence.

In the blink of an eye, I found myself in a world where I had the knowledge of its near future and the chance to change my fate. However right now, for the first time since I woke up as Elora I was oblivious of what could happen next.

I stood beneath the majestic, golden chandeliers, soft music wafted through the ballroom, soothing the ears of those present. A vast buffet of all the food and drinks to your heart's desires. Nobel men and women dressed in the fanciest of fabrics and adorned in the shiniest of gems, as smiles and laughter decorated their faces. It was a joyous mood indeed.

However, the music, the laughter, and the chatter in the ballroom made my head pound in a coming migraine. The most pessimist of thoughts raced through my mind, making my shoulders stiff as bricks. The fact that the ball never happened in the original plot threw my mind into disarray. What if this was the way to bring the story back on track?

Yet, I had to keep a calm face. I channeled all my anxiety into the pressure of my hands. I clenched the sides of my dress, feeling the 3D baby pink embroidered roses pressed flat against my palms. Every time I attempt to move, my flowing, baby-blue skirt and its long train remind me, that if it comes to it, It will be my biggest obstacle to running for my life.

My facial muscles screamed at me in protest, as I forced the corners of my lips to stay up in a smile when I saw another family approaching us. Compliments and praises were showered upon us like heavy rain, as soon as we stepped foot inside. We were swarmed by people eager to be in our good graces. I felt .. weird, and overwhelmed. I never had this much attention in ages.

The sudden change of the melodies played interrupted my train of thought. As Couples began joining the dance floor, Marcus excused himself. My eyes followed him as he approached a young girl in the other corner of the ballroom.

With a hand clasped behind his back, and the other extended to the girl, he probably asked her for a dance. And I was right, with a blush coating her face, she placed her gloved hand in his. A soft smile was drawn on my lips as the two headed to the dance floor with their arms intertwined together and happy shy faces. How adorable!

When suddenly I sensed a presence, I tore my gaze from the couple and I found a ginger young man standing before me.

A velvet brown vest wrapped tightly around his torso, the gold boutons almost popping out from his huge muscles. He was bulky! The sky blue of his eyes reflected brightly as his shiny fiery hair under the chandelier's light. Soft freckles dusted over his cheeks and his Roman nose looked crooked a bit, evidence it was broken before.

"Good evening my lady, would you care to join me for a dance?" A pearly smile adorned his face, as his eyes were fixated on my face. I looked left and right, was he talking to me?

"Pardon?" I blinked.

"May I have the honor of sharing this dance with you, Lady Elora." He chuckled, emphasizing my name.

I stared at his extended hand. This is a first, no one has ever asked me for a dance before, well except Emmett.

Did this mean my reputation was getting better among the nobility?

What shall I do? I panicked.

I composed myself and uttered with a polite smile, "I appreciate your kind offer my lord, but I am afraid I am unable to dance at the moment. I twisted my ankle earlier this evening."

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