14. Destined To Die

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Elora pov:

My eyelids fluttered as a low groan left my lips. It felt as if flames were burning my bones, my throat was as scratchy and dry as the Sahara desert.

My gaze lazily shifted to the covered windows. Although I couldn't see anything, the heavy rain pounded heavily against the window's pane. A stroke of thunder bursted through the air, filling my ears, and almost covering the commotion outside.

Another day, another ball, however, this was a ball I had no attention to attend.

First, I physically couldn't, I could barely sit up. However, I knew my illness was coming as it was mentioned in the novel.

I must give it to Elora, she was one mighty girl. How could she attend the ball in this state, to hopefully see the prince? I highly doubted she could've restored her health fully by night, her obsession for him was self-destruction.

Second, Elora did the classic villain act at the ball, pouring wine all over the main character in front of everyone. Elora couldn't take seeing Delphine and Castiel's relationship flourish before her eyes anymore. Instead of being mature and moving on, she decided to pour her frustration on others. There was no way I was going to the ball and risk it.

My train of thought was cut as the door was enthusiastically pushed open by a beaming Dorothy carrying a tray of delicious herbal tea. However, her bright smile was wiped out as her gaze fell on me.

"Oh my goodness!" She gasped and raced to my side, mindlessly placing the tray on a table in her way.

"Elora, you are burning up!" Her eyes went wide as she pressed her palm against my sweaty forehead.

"I am alright." I almost winced at how weak and raspy my voice sounded.

"My lady, I am afraid you are not alright, you have a high fever." she fearfully chewed on her bottom lip as she looked me up and down.

"I must call the physician right away." She decided. I held her wrist as she was about to leave. There was no need to burden the physician.

"All I need is some fresh air. Could you please open the window for me?" I squirmed in discomfort, feeling sore all over my body.

"You'll catch a cold my lady. However don't worry, my lady, I will take care of you". Dorothy promised before she rushed out of my room. In less than two minutes, she returned panting, clutching a metal bucket in one hand, and a bowl of soup in the other. Oh my god. That smell! It reached my nose from across the room, I gagged fighting the urge to throw up.

"My lady, I've brought this soup for you. My grandma used to make it to me whenever I got ill." Dorothy smiled as she brought a spoon of the steamy soup closer to me.

"Don't you think, perhaps, it would be better to get something colder for a fever?" I pinched my nose backing away from that cursed liquid.

"I assure you, my lady, it is just a myth." Dorothy chuckled slightly. However, all of a sudden her demeanor turned serious. With an arched brow, she pressed the spoon against my lips. "Now drink up."

I hesitantly parted my lips, and with the tip of my tongue, I tentatively tasted the soup. My eyes widened, never judge a book from its cover. Well in this case a soup from its smell. It was delicious!

With each spoonful, a soothing warmth spread across my chest. Dorothy's eyes glimmered with pride as she watched me consume the whole thing. By the last spoon, the smell wasn't an issue. I guessed my mind got used to it, it ignored it altogether. As Dorothy placed the empty bowl aside, I pouted disappointed, I wanted more.

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