10. Savior Complex

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Elora pov:

My knees bent slowly, and my head dipped slightly, as my fingers lifted the skirt of my scarlet red gown, to make sure I wouldn't trip over it and embrace myself in front of all these people.

I held my curtsy for a few seconds, then rose smoothly, my gaze landing on the king. The precious stones in his crown dulled in comparison with his pearly beaming smile.

"The Verloin family must be proud to have such brave ladies to grace their household." The room fell into silence as the king's booming voice commended everyone's attention.

"You saved the ruby of my heart, ladies, and shall have the eternal gratitude of the royal family as long as I walk on this earth." The queen nodded in agreement with her husband's words, her gaze was warm as her lips curled up in a genuine smile. My cheeks flushed, the people pleaser in me giddy for praise.

"Your wits, bravery, and loyalty will not go unnoticed. A ball shall be held tomorrow night in our courageous ladies' honor." A wave of cheers and applause by the courtiers erupted throughout the throne room. Delphine and I exchanged a wide-eyed look, hers shined with awe, mine probably revealed my panic.

"A ball..?" I mumbled in shock, my stomach sinking. No ball in honor of saving Princess Astrid happened in the novel. Crap.

The whole room hushed down, and the king raised from his throne with a high arched brow. Apparently what I thought was a mumble was loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Indeed, lady Elora. Lady Delphine and yourself exemplified the true meaning of nobility. It is only fitting to celebrate your remarkable bravery and the safety of our precious princess Astrid. Or do you, perhaps, hold a different opinion." Great, now I managed to offend the king, too much for sitting in the back seat while the story goes on.

I blinked, fighting the urge to glance back at my family standing in the crowd for help, as I struggled to form the correct words in my head.

"Your majesty, forgive us if we fail to show our gratitude. Lady Elora and I did not expect such a grand gesture. After all, It is our duty as your lawful subjects to help keep the safety of the throne." Delphine curtsied deeply, and I quickly followed her lead.

"My apologies, your majesty. Forgive me if my surprise seemed inappropriate." The king's expression softened and his shoulders squared up, obviously, his ego boosted by the apologies. With a click of his fingers, two giant guards cladded in armor approached us, and my heart almost stopped beating.

"The guards are here to escort you to Princess Astrid, as she desires to thank you personally" The queen explained and I nodded my head in understanding.

"I can't believe it, Elora. A ball in our honor!" Delphine leaned in gasping in disbelief, as we followed the guards' lead.

Not wanting to spoil her excitement, I pushed my anxiety aside and whispered back giggling: "No, you're not dreaming. You deserved it. Thanks to you, the princess is safe and sound in her home." I hesitated before adding, "Your father would be proud".

A smile graced her lips and her eyes got glossy, "I wish he was here, but I know he would be proud."

She closed her eyes, drawing a shaky breath to calm her overwhelming emotions. She reached out to me and squeezed my hand, and she said: "Your family is immensely proud of you too."

I nodded my head awkwardly, heat rising to my face. Our conversation came to a halt, as the guards stopped in front of a door. One of them knocked gently on the door, and a soft "come in" was heard from inside the room.

The door swung open, revealing a huge room furnished in lavender and beige palette. Delphine and I stepped inside, my eyes immediately landed on the Princess. She looked adorable with her lavish purple gown and the tiny gold tiara delicately placed between her curled pigtails. By her side were the two bodyguards, disguised as maids, as she stood gracefully at the center of the room, her eyes lit up when she spotted us.

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