Squidbeak Survival 2: Trouble at Sea

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Now, the trip starts. We see everyone but Kimi at the docks, waiting for this "cruise" to come. Everyone's dressed in some nice, comfortable summer time clothes and outfits.

Zal: "So where's this cruise?"

Callie: "I don't know,but I CAN'T WAIT to get on!"

Xander: "Unless she lied about it."


Marie: "Relax Callie,Kimi would never lie. Huh? Oh she sent me a text."

'Marie,just to let you guys know that Bernard will be calling on my phone to talk to Cuttlefish. He wants a trusted adult to come with us.'. "Marie read the text out loud.

"....So she did lie." Bleu joked.

Xander: " 'Trusted adult'? We ARE Adults."

Callie: "Who cares, Gramps is still on his vacation. What are we gonna do? What if he cancel the trip on us?"

Marie's Phone rings, Xander digs in his bag and pulls out some kind of a small device....that doesn't look like it's his. "Give me the phone, I got this."

Marie hands him the phone. "What are you gonna do?"

Xander puts the device on his neck and picks up the phone.

"Hello...Agent 4?" Everyone was surprised by Xander, who sounded exactly like Cuttlefish.

Bernard: "Good evening Mr. Cuttlefish, I just wanted to know that Kimi and her friends are going on a trip on one of our private boats. I am asking if you are coming along to keep us informed. You ARE coming too, right?"

'Cuttlefish': "Why yes I am. My nieces are coming along too, no squid or octo left behind, that's battlefield 101. Ho ho."

Callie whispers to Xander. "Not that far, Xander."  "Actually that's accurate for Gramps." Marie whispers.

Bernard on the other line did not sound convinced in the slightest, but processed to play along.

Bernard: "........Splendid. Now call us if there's any trouble. And remember, this is Takara Property, I want not a single scratch or mark on it. And if that happens, I will have no choice but to-"

Everyone watched as Xander's expression turned from impudent to horrified in less than a second as his ears went down in fear.

Bernard: "Do we understand each other?"

'Cuttlefish': ".....Yes."

Bernard: "Excellent. Kimi is coming with the boat now. Have a good day and enjoy your trip."

Bernard hung up the phone, Xander gave the phone back to Marie. "Ayo, are you okay?"

Xander: "Hell no, her butler is scary,man." He puts the device away.

Callie: "What even is that?"

Xander: "Voice modulator. Brought it for 10.99."

Zal: "Now what?"

Bleu: "We wait....."
*Meanwhile at the Takara Mansion*

Naomi: "So, is Cuttlefish looking after them?"

Bernard: "...No, he is not."

Naomi: "WHAT?! B-but she and the others are out there alone-"

Bernard: "Don't worry, I have a feeling that something will happen to them."

Naomi: "And what's that?!"

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