Squidbeak Survival 9: Pack it up and Travel!

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Day 6
The rain finally stopped,the sun was shining,the fire was out,and one of our lovely Agents was slowly starting to wake up from their slumber.

Callie was the first one to wake up,she got up and safely got down from the upper parts of the cave,and walked to where the outfit was and continued to finish the dress.

A few minutes later,Kimi started to wake up. "Mmm..."
"Good Morning!" Callie said.

"Oh,Good Morning Callie. Mmh,how was your night?"

"Good,just a little chilly."
"A little chilly? I told you and Marie can come sleep by the fire with us."
"Oh you did? I couldn't hear you." "Mmm you don't feel cold now,do you?"
"That's good."

Kimi stood up and quietly walked to the entrance of the cave,seeing that the sun was shining,the view of the jungle was bright,the only downside was that there's puddles everywhere and that everything was wet and/or probably slippery.

"How's it looking out there?" Callie asks quietly as to not wake up Marie and Zal. "Pretty sunny and wet,it should be good enough for us to go outside now." Kimi replied.

She then walked quietly to the suitcase and did some cleaning,as some of the food was mushed or starting to rot,hell some even started rotting already. Kimi began to take the food out,setting the fresh food on the right and tossing the expired food to her left. She started to scrape up and discarded the mushed,rotten fruit and tossed it along with the expired food. A little while later,the suitcase was finally cleared,mostly if you ignore some of the stains imprinted inside,at least it ain't wet or smelly.

Now to make sure if the 'fresh' food is really fresh,Kimi had to look at and smell the food -as she doesn't want to eat rot-. Some berries were gone,the bananas were brown,and okay maybe a few coconuts were bad,throw all of that out. Before Kimi put the remaining fresh food in,she thought about it: She picked out all the food in one day,that was a few days ago. If she kept the 'fresh' food,it would expire very soon. She asks Callie about it,just to make sure if it is okay to.



"So I just empty the bag,and there's some leftover 'fresh' food,is it still okay to pack them?"

"Shouldn't you know that?"

"I don't deal with this kind of stuff,it's usually Bernard dealing with it."

"Well how much is left?"

"A few bits left. Well,enough for today."

"Why don't we just eat the rest of the food?"

Kimi and Callie turned their heads to who just said that,Zal. She was on the ground laying down,looking up at them "If the food is still good,why not eat it? It's gonna go to waste anyway."

"But what if it might be bad? And good morning."

"Or not safe?"

"Kim-Kim,didn't you just figure out if it's good by smellin' it?"

"Well yes,but-"

"So why not eat the rest of the food? Ya two are gonna pick food later anyway."



Zal got up and walked towards Kimi and Callie.

"Hell,you can think of it as breakfast. Or a last minute meal."



"Tell ya what,I'll take the first bite."

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