Chapter 27

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Gianna's POV

I was getting ready for my doctors appointment. This time we were finding out our baby's gender. I looked in the mirror once more to make sure I looked good.

"Baby you look beautiful" Marcel wrapped his arms around my belly.

"I don't look big?" I asked staring at my frame.

"No, you look pregnant. Which isn't a bad thing because you are pregnant and beautiful" I turned around in his arms to look at him.

"Thank you"


"For being the best father, friend, boyfriend, and soon to be husband" he smiled placing a soft kiss on my lips.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

"And we gotta go before we're late" I nodded grabbing my cross body purse off the bed and leaving the room.
Patiently waiting, I fiddled with my fingers. I know my baby is healthy and fine, but I always get nervous. Marcel gently slid his hand between mine, interlocking our fingers.

"Nervous?" He asked looking down at me with a small smile.

Returning the smile, I gave his hand a squeeze. "Just a little"

The door opened and the docter walked out. "Mrs. Lion?"

Sighing, I sat back, rubbing my belly and Marcel got up. Frowning I looked up at him.

"She said-"

"Mrs. Lion" he smirked gently helping me up.

"You didn't" I said staring up at him in shock.

"I did, now come on Mrs. Lion. We got our baby to check on"

"There you are!!" she exclaimed with a smile. We returned the same warm smile, following her to the back. We walked into the room and I sat down.

"Alright mama, how are you feeling today?" She asked looking up from her clipboard.

"I feel great"

"That's great, I'ma just ask you a couple questions and then we're gonna check on the baby and find out the gender!! How does that sound?"

"Amazing" I smiled holding Marcel's hand.
After answering a few questions. We were finally ready to check on our baby. My heart fluttered at the thought of having a mini me or Marcel.

"Is there any specific gender?" she asked slipping on her gloves.

"I want a boy, but I would love to have another girl" Marcel responded.

"I agree, I want a girl, but a boy would even the score"

"Well, let's see what we get"
We walked into the house and I got in bed feeling exhausted. I have never been so tired until now. Marcel was getting ready to work because he took enough time off.

"You sure you're gonna be okay?"

"Yes, Im only five months pregnant. Im not having this baby any time soon" he nodded placing a soft kiss on my lips.

"I love you"

"I love you too, be careful out there"

"Always!!" He kissed me, grabbing his keys and wallet before walking out the room.

Sighing, I got up and went straight to the bathroom. The baby also got me peeing like crazy!! After wiping myself and washing my hands, I took me a nice warm shower. I slipped on a night gown and went downstairs to fix me something to eat.

Marcel's POV

It was time to get back to work. I took time off to be with Gia and the baby, but now I gotta chase this paper.

"You good?" Jay asked.

"Im cool" I responded watching as they packed up my weight.

"Doesn't seem that way to me" he said cleaning his gun.

"What if I said I wanna let this go?"

They looked at me as if like I had three heads. I get it, I was the one who built this business. I held this shit on my shoulders for years. I was proud of what I built, I mean I built my own family, a hustle that brought in thousands, but Key word WAS. But I had been recently debating about retiring from the job. I mean I've been in this lifestyle since I was a child. Im a father, a soon to be husband, and I refuse to have it all taken away by the streets.

"You?..Leaving this life behind?" Chop asked still staring at me like I was crazy.

"I mean, I built this when I was a youngster. Still tryna find out who I was and where I wanted to be" I looked around at the sight of nothing but drugs, money, guns, and women half naked packaging my product. "I got a woman now, a woman Im ready to devote my entire life to. On top of that two kids who need me. What good use am I to them if Im locked up or dead and gone?"

"Well, when you put it like that I can't help but to respect that. It's never too late to change your path" Chop said counting the cash.

"I get it, it's time to grow up. We can't live this life forever"

"So when are we letting this go?" We all stared at the warehouse full of product.

"I guess now, why wait till tomorrow?"

"True that!!"

"Hey I'm with you when you're right!!"

I know it's short😭I don't have any ideas right now. But I did wanna update so...hope you liked it

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