Letter to my future self (prologue ig)

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I'm gonna start this book with a letter. I didn't expect that it would start like this. But I guess life is full of unexpected things.

I am starting seventh grade. Well I already started seventh grade for almost a week I suppose but I didn't have motivation to write a week ago.

But now I do.

I hope this year I won't fall hopelessly in love again or if I do fall in love, I hope I'll do a better job of hiding it and have higher standards.

No future candidates yet... although-

SORRY! Just a possibility!

Anyways hope you give me updates at... I guess next year? Maybe the day before eighth grade? God that would be so far from here. You know what since this book is going to be long, at Christmas I hope you will send a letter to me and write a letter to August 2024 Me.

Goodness this is so complicated but fun at the same time!

I wonder if seventh grade would be amazing. So far, it's fine I suppose... well... yeah.

I guess I'm surviving, I hope it won't be a replica of fifth grade or even sixth grade. Sixth grade was hella embarrassing.

So that's all I got to say. Not much. Give me updates, kay:) About my crush status, my baby brother, and my friends.

So I guess this is all I got to say.

This year could be even more memorable than last year.

You never know.

From, your past self (August 14th, 2023).

(I written all of this from the past; I am just pasting this from Google Docs).

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