Week 5:

9 3 16

September 5th:


There was a sub since our usual ELA teacher is now our AR teacher. We got to do the packet by ourselves and I finished it quite fast (I hope I finished it faster than Lewis, but then again I don't have to worry about me being smarter than him in ELA since he failed that class).

I talked to Alicia a little bit then Alicia started talking to Emily (a random girl behind us). I kinda joined in their conversation but I mostly doodled on any piece of paper I found.

After some while, Lewis started talking to me again about the amount of money he owes me since I have to tutor him soon. When I asked him when he wanted tutoring, he blankly looked at me and said, "Wait let me think about it,"

Soon after, I nodded and went back to drawing on my paper and our conversation was over.


We were in line waiting to go inside the cafeteria when I spotted Faye. We talked for a little and I noticed Lewis and his friend Roman behind us. I think we talked for a while (not really talked talked but we said random things).

Then we had to go inside. Faye and I sat at our usual table. Evie was sitting in front of us with Josie and their new friend Carrie. Roman suddenly appears next to Faye. That kid always makes me jump back since he's so tiny and all. Suddenly Lewis got his backpack from his usual table and sat next to Roman. Who was at the same table as us.

So before I knew it, I was at the same table as my crush.

Since Evie didn't make any move to sit next to me, I frowned at her and pretended to be mad.
"Wow. So you don't want to sit with me," I shook my head.

"Girl, I'll only sit with you if you give me a hug," Evie answered.

"Nope, you don't deserve a hug," I joked. Evie scoffed.

After some hesitation, I got up and went to her, lightly wrapping my arms around neck to hug her. Then when I let her go, I sat back down and Evie grabbed her posessions and sat next to me. She ruffled the top of my dark hair, causing me to remember that my hair was up in a ponytail.  A messy ponytail with strands of hair falling out of the hair gathered together by the hair tie. 

I didn't like my hair when I put it up in a ponytail but it was easier than having to brush my wavy hair every class period.

When she finished touching my hair, she puts her backpack on her lap and unzipped the biggest pocket. She put her hands inside it and grabbed a huge notebook. It had a plain plastic purple cover which was Evie's favorite color. 

"I wrote a list of what we could talk about," Evie told me. I nodded excitedly, thrilled that she thought about me in one of her classes. She flipped to a page she bookmarked and my eyes scanned the words on the page, written in a pale purple pen.

1. How to break up with my girlfriend

2. How to apologize to him 

3. Nisarah's crush.

I let out a surprised laugh, seeing the last one. I glanced at the people next to me and I knew Lewis and Roman could easily hear me. 

"Of course, not the last one," I said. Evie agreed with me and crossed it off. 

I didn't talk much with the two midgets (Lewis and Roman) and mostly talked to Evie and Faye. I realized that I didn't like Lewis as much as I liked my old crush. But I still liked him.

But did I like him enough that I would do anything for him? Cry for him? I did love hard but if I was being truthful, I wouldn't do any of that. Crying for Lewis sounded absurd. Maybe my ego was big but that was beneath me.

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