August 29th, 2023:

6 3 6

Morning: Slipped right past the dress coding teacher. I suppose God made me lucky these days.

I tried to talk to the group of kids I was with (Callie, Alicia, Oria, Oria's best friend Cathy, a girl named Nathalie, and Ella), but it was hard when Callie was like, "Nisarah... you shouldn't be talking," or "Nisarah... what?" I knew she was joking, but it did lower my self-esteem. Nevertheless, I didn't let it ruin my day.

My eyes were somewhat better at controlling themselves. When Angel says that she honestly thinks that Lewis thinks of me as his classmate, I decided I can't give any more hints that I liked him. It can't be like last year.

I wasn't entirely upset but I was slightly disappointed when she told me that.

Social Studies: I was determined to be positive and I suppose I mostly succeeded.

ELA: Nothing happened besides during the class, the social studies' teacher called me and Lazo to clean up the mess we made (he apparently spilled some pencil shavings while I made a small mess with my Chez-its). Lazo said that it wasn't him who made that mess, and I rolled my eyes at that.

Hotspot: I was so determined to beat Lewis in the number of lessons, so I worked hard and the music motivated me even more.

Then the teacher was calling out the number of lessons we had.

"Nisarah: 36; Nisrah you are four lessons away from being Math Acheiver," The teacher said. I was even shocked by the amount of lessons I did. Thirty six already?

And Lewis got 32.

I felt like I won a silent battle.

"Alicia, guess what," I whispered to her. Alicia looked up. She just came back from the bathroom, and she missed the numbers. "I got thirty-six lessons,"

"You?" Alicia said. I rolled my eyes. I could see Lewis look at us.

"Nahhhh," I said, going back to my work. Alciia backtracks.

"I mean, congratulations,"

I think Hotspot is my favorite class.

Lunch: I didn't expect Evie to sit with me today. She didn't at first, and I went the other way to avoid her. I sat with Faye and Alicia joined us for a bit. It was some time before I could feel/hear/see someone sit next to me. She hugged me. Evie.

Annoyance filled me.

"Why are you here?" I asked, slightly irritated. She kept on holding my arm.

"What, you don't want me here?" Evie asked.

Of course, I do. But I don't like being your second choice.

I was trying to be mad for a while, but I couldn't. I could never stay mad at her. Even though she said that her childhood best friend was her first best friend and I was her second, I still managed to forgive her. Of course, I still talked to Faye too.

Later, while we were eating our lunch, I asked her the question.

"Do you still remember my crush?" I asked her. Evie cleared her throat and looked at the table next to us. She looked back at me and smirked at me. I missed that smirk when she teased me about my crush. Then she looked at the table again.

"It is the guy next to the guy in the blue sweater," she answered. I looked at Faye, hoping she didn't hear it. I knew it was like I was favoring Evie since I told her but not Faye, but my mom said I shouldn't tell many people. I told my crush to my mom, Angel, and Evie. Maybe I'll wait several months if I still like him to tell Faye. I had to tell Angel because she needed to know all the drama about school. My mom because I couldn't let her be one of the last people to know like last year. And Evie because she always tells me all her crushes and I can't refrain myself from not telling her anyways.

I looked down, trying not to blush. "Yeah,"

The lunch monitor came with the trash can to make us throw our trash away.

Math: Callie was here today, so there was a person between us obviously. Sadly.

I was feeling sarcastic today (I feel sarcastic every day; I'm just a sarcastic person in general) apparently told by Ms. Callie James.

Here are some things that happened:

The math today was super easy, so I did everything ahead.

I was still in the you-are-a-___ stage, so I was doing that, of course.

Nothing really happened.

P.E.: List:

While we were listening to instructions, Aaron came next to me and I pushed him with my elbow. He pushed me back and we started pushing each other (not too harshly though). After a while, he stopped and laughed. He's annoying and immature.

After that, some people had to change, so the other people just walked around. I mostly walked around with either Xaiyah or Lazo.

We had to do stretches. I was careful not to mix up my left and right.

We had to do more warm-ups such as running back and forth.

Then we had to use the jump ropes. I think I'm getting better at it.

I mostly talked with Xaiyah, Ella, and this girl Aisha. Sometimes Aaron and other boys joined. The rest of the girls and boys were playing on the field. Near the end, Alicia and Callie joined us.

I think being in a different class from my two best friends is starting to be okay.

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