August 24th, 2023:

14 4 45

Morning: With a new mindset, knowing that I have a crush again, I went to school full of smiles. I forgot how amazing it felt to have a crush and get butterflies and listen to love music thinking about them and-

I have a new crush.

After two months.

I know it won't be anything serious. The old one wasn't anything serious.

It is kinda iconic how it has only been seventeen days of school and two months since I lost feelings for my old crush and I already have a crush in school but I guess I can recognize it faster. Plus, Evie already has a girlfriend even though Damian just broke up with my best friend three or four weeks ago.

I do not feel ashamed.

The feeling feels amazing... until I find out he doesn't like me back...

Let's not worry about that right now.

Nothing major happened besides when I heard my name being called. I looked at the group of boys near me. Apparently the whole class was separated into boys and girls. All the girls were on one side, gossiping and all that sort (Lazo was also on the girl's side but he just ate breakfast alone), and the boys on the other side...

They were just being crazy- and immature.

I turned around and I saw a plastic bag over Lewis's head. I realized they were doing foolish stuff.

Then why did they call me?

I made a face while a guy next to Lewis- Alex said, "Wow you look so Asian!"

Racist much.

I tried to see what he looked like, but his face was turned away from me. I decided to ignore them.

Social Studies: At first, it was just us grading our tests from yesterday (I got a 105%) then we were doing a project. As we were doing our projects, I realized my glasses were dirty and I had nothing to clean my glasses with.

"Hey, do you know anyone who has glasses because they might have something that will help clean my glasses?" I asked.

Alicia shrugged. "Ask Cathy,"

Cathy was Oria's best friend or whatever, so I asked her. She said she didn't have anything. After asking several people, Alicia pointed at Roman (Not Rowan from last year).

"He has glasses too,"

I could see Lewis next to Roman looking at us, but I tried my best to ignore him. After some hesitation, I yelled out, "Roman!"

Roman turned around.

"Do you have anything that I could clean my glasses with?" I asked him,

Roman frowned. "What?"

Alex repeats what I said to him. Roman shook his head. I frowned.

Guess I got to spend the rest of the day with dirty glasses.

ELA: Boring as always

A.R.: It was supposed to be a quiet reading class, but of course, the kids can't stay quiet.

Behind me and Alicia was Roman, Rowan, Aaron, and Lewis.

It was somewhat a mistake sitting behind them.

Here's a list of what happened during "silent reading time".

First the boys were making fun of some pictures in the book.

Rowan was making fart sounds. For a seventh grader, he is hella immature.

Whenever Alicia was talking to them and I was also looking at the boys, Lewis, he always, always looked at me. I could see him looking at me, and felt it. I had no idea why he was looking at me so much. Maybe I was being delusional. I'm not pretty at all.

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