Chapter 74

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The Qi family, still oblivious, had unwittingly released the true culprit behind the theft of the Yuan Tian Pearl.

Upon returning to his dorm, Jiang Luo first extracted the Yuan Tian Pearl from beneath his flesh.

After wiping the blood away with a towel and biting on a piece of gauze, he began to bandage the wound. Midway through, as pain returned to the wound, sweat matted the black-haired youth's forehead, soaking half of his white vest.

The pain from the second injury was even more intense than the first, reopening the wound, leaving Jiang Luo slightly pale.

Though the wound was not large, it was deep. Jiang Luo contemplated that this scar would likely be fierce-looking, but a few more scars on a man were inconsequential. He sat on the washbasin, back against the mirror, lighting a cigarette to numb the throbbing pain.

The Yuan Tian Pearl was set aside, cleaned of blood, and examined under the light.

Such a beautiful pearl, yet it housed the soul of a malevolent spirit.

Jiang Luo clicked his tongue, flicking the ash. Halfway through the cigarette, his thoughts grew colder. He picked up his phone, the soft blue light reflecting on his face.

He browsed an internal forum within the metaphysical community.

The theft of the Qi family's Yuan Tian Pearl had spread, with many spectating the boldness of the thief, noting the dire consequences if caught.

Jiang Luo, with a smirk, exhaled smoke and glanced at the ceiling.

Chi You had witnessed him hiding the Yuan Tian Pearl.

Even without seeing the full extent of that ghostly eye, he was certain it belonged to Chi You.

That unnervingly familiar gaze, reminiscent of a predatory beast or a deep-sea monster, could only belong to Chi You.

Chi You must have been well aware that Jiang Luo now possessed two Yuan Tian Pearls and Chi You's heart, prompting action from the malevolent spirit. Jiang Luo was confident Chi You would come for the pearl.

If he were Chi You, he wouldn't leave his soul in an enemy's hands either.

Normally, the school's auspicious geomancy would prevent malevolent spirits from entering. However, Chi You was using a divine statue body, which geomancy had little effect on. If Chi You approached as a spirit, he would be thwarted.

Yet, malevolent spirits have their ways, unaffected by geomantic barriers.

The Qi family's villa, not their ancestral home and located in a region filled with lost souls, prioritized formations over geomancy, offering Chi You an opportunity.

Extinguishing his cigarette, Jiang Luo, now in a proactive stance with leverage over Chi You, prepared thoroughly for a confrontation, planning to teach Chi You a lesson upon his arrival.

After making his plans, Jiang Luo went to sleep, but unexpectedly, Chi You did not attempt to seize the Yuan Tian Pearl in the following days, defying logic.

This didn't make sense.

Chi You had put in so much effort to obtain the Yuan Tian Pearl, even going as far as to use the puppet Bai Ye Feng to participate in a competition to win first place. Unless he had given up on the Yuan Tian Pearl, how could there have been no movement from him?

Events had gone beyond his plans, making Jiang Luo increasingly paranoid. Ghosts were never easy to deal with; their unpredictability could be normal for others, but Jiang Luo, who had frequently clashed with Chi You, felt something was amiss.

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