Chapter 109

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Lian Family is a lineage of witch doctors, also one of the six prominent families. However, unlike other families, Lian Family remains indifferent to worldly affairs, making them the most low-key among the six families.

Jiang Luo had encountered someone from Lian Family before, precisely Lian Xue, a senior disciple of the witch doctor sect and a good friend of Zhuo Zhongqiu.

The carriage from the Celestial Master's Mansion continued its journey deep into the old forest in the mountains. Shen Ru Ma was driving, and besides Jiang Luo and Feng Li, the owner of the funeral parlor also joined the ride.

The journey was long, stretching until the late afternoon with the setting sun, and it wasn't until dusk approached that they finally reached Lian Family's residence nestled in the deep mountains.

Jiang Luo had already regained his composure during the journey.

This was because the owner of the funeral parlor had stated that they were unaware of the details of the Chi Family's curse. It was only speculated that the direct line of Chi Family was cursed not to live beyond thirty years.

Recalling something, Jiang Luo remembered a secret that Chi You had once shared with him.

Chi You mentioned that he carried a curse that restricted the direct line of Chi Family from harming the collateral branches. It was a curse of "not harming collateral branches," not a curse of "dying before the age of 30."

Considering this secret, Jiang Luo believed Chi You. Revealing such a secret, obtained through a fair fight, would be uninteresting if it were false.

If the curse on the direct line of Chi Family wasn't a death sentence before thirty, then the meaning of the three moles became intriguing. The fate of the direct line of Chi Family dying before thirty would also be more curious.

Jiang Luo carefully analyzed, combined with his understanding of Chi You. He felt there was a high probability that he wasn't under the curse of dying before thirty. However, he was prepared for the worst.

If he truly faced death before thirty, Jiang Luo would have to draw Chi You out and inquire about every detail of the curse. If he could lift the curse before thirty, it would be ideal. If not, he would inevitably have to follow Chi You's path.

Death allowed Chi You to break free and become stronger. If Jiang Luo could become like Chi You...

Jiang Luo's eyes flickered with a faint smile, gazing out the window at the passing scenery.

If I could become as strong as him... perhaps death would be a blessing.

Jiang Luo's heart quickened slightly.

Upon arriving at Lian Family, they got off the carriage. The news of the Celestial Master's visit had already reached Lian Family, and disciples stood at the gate to lead them to the main hall.

Lian Family's ancestral home resembled a southern garden, with flowing streams, artificial hills, and green bamboo. Even in late autumn, the surroundings were lush and beautifully arranged, creating a picturesque scene.

Walking in such a place improved Jiang Luo's mood. Soon, they encountered members of Lian Family.

The elders of Lian Family were currently cultivating in the rear mountains, so only the younger generation received the guests. Led by Lian Xue, they greeted Feng Li and Jiang Luo humbly.

Feng Li nodded slightly and asked, "Where is Master Wei He?"

"He is in seclusion on the rear mountain," Lian Xue replied with a gentle smile, representing the younger generation. "He will come out in seven days."

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