Chapter 141

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"What a load of nonsense."

Jiang Luo almost couldn't resist rolling his eyes.

Whether the metaphysical realm is destroyed or exists, what does it matter to Jiang Luo?

Apart from mockery, Jiang Luo keenly sensed something off about the Chosen One.

In the destiny person's words about "him," Jiang Luo could only think of Chi You, and no one else.

But beyond that, what intrigued Jiang Luo even more was the tone of the destiny person. There was a certain charm in his words, as if they were sacred and descended from the heavens. Distant, mysterious, and resolute, making one instinctively want to treat his words as truth and obey his will.

This familiar feeling resembled the puppeteer behind the mirror world.

Jiang Luo's gaze dimmed for a moment, then returned to normal.

He had always kept the puppeteer from the mirror world in mind.

No one likes their past embarrassments being boldly brought back before their eyes. The puppeteer knew about Jiang Luo's experiences in the mortal world and replicated them in the mirror world. Those dirty, shameful, and broken memories were exposed, making Jiang Luo feel a surge of resentment.

From the mirror world to the present, the Chosen One had been subtly guiding Jiang Luo to see Chi You's sinful nature, urging him to kill Chi You. Indeed, Jiang Luo wanted to kill Chi You, to conquer the demon and make it bow at his feet, but he detested others controlling him to do such things.

He did things based on his own preferences, disliking being bound and manipulated by others.

"What are you, trying to manipulate me?"

With new grievances added to old resentments, the Chosen One successfully became the person Jiang Luo most wanted to eliminate at the moment.

Jiang Luo's emotions surged, his face staring blankly at the Chosen One, as if losing his sanity.

The Chosen One took his hand, leading Jiang Luo out of the small pool, walking leisurely outside.

Jiang Luo's clothes were soaked, water flowing from his pant legs, yet he felt no chill. The Chosen One led him away from the narrow path, and with each step, the surrounding scenery underwent tremendous changes.

Mountains and rivers passed by them.

Jiang Luo saw visions flashing by on both sides of the road.

From the primitive hunting era, where primitive humans searched for caves, to the Hetu and Luoshu diagrams, and the birth of pre-heaven and post-heaven Baguas. From royal architecture to tomb feng shui, from astronomy and calendars to agricultural meteorology. The predecessors in the metaphysical realm experienced life and death, generation after generation, from inspecting house structures to the fate of a nation. Twinkling stars changed, millions of starlights replacing the sun, unfolding above Jiang Luo's head.

Jiang Luo looked up at the sky.

Stars merged into Tai Chi, silver light swayed, and the stars turned into the Bagua diagram.

Heaven, Earth, Thunder, Wind.

Fire, Water, Mountain, Lake.

The ever-changing stars dazzled the eyes.

This scene was extremely shocking; Jiang Luo's neck ached from watching. He lowered his head to the ground and suddenly realized that he was standing in a snowy mountain with falling snowflakes.

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