Chapter 25

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Mr. Evil Spirit.

Bai Yefeng's gaze shifted slightly, his smile still perfectly flawless, but it lost some vitality, replaced by a more deathly aura. "Whom is Jiang speaking of?"

Jiang Luo's feet gradually exerted pressure, his boots grinding over the evil spirit's shoulder, leaving trails of dirt. The malice in Jiang Luo's smile faced the evil spirit directly as he looked down at Bai Yefeng, curving his lips: "Bai, there is only you and me here—whom do you think I am speaking to?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he bent over, leaned close to Bai Yefeng's ear, and the dagger in his hand slid from Bai Yefeng's forehead down to his heart, slowly stating: "Pretending to be human for so long, have you forgotten whether you are a human or a ghost, Chi You?"

Chi You paused for a moment, then slowly began to smile.

It was as if he had shed the human skin he had been masquerading in, revealing his dark and terrifying true nature. A neurotically pleasant factor danced on his lips; despite being the same face, it now seemed chilling to the onlooker, raising a shivering sensation from the bones.

The evil spirit's smile grew wider as he removed his wet glasses, curiously asking, "How did you know?"

Jiang Luo laughed silently.

On the seventh day after Chi You's death, he tortured Chi You nearly to death with suppression talismans specifically designed to combat evil spirits.

Beyond just releasing a bit of resentment, Jiang Luo gained a more direct understanding of Chi You's talent.

Chi You's growth rate was terrifying. Initially, Jiang Luo could harm Chi You with just a piece of talisman paper, but as time passed, it took two to three pieces to achieve the same effect as one did at the beginning.

Death seemed to have truly freed Chi You from some kind of shackles.

In the following month, Jiang Luo studied frantically, neglecting sleep and food, undoubtedly stimulated by Chi You's abnormally rapid growth rate.

Jiang Luo's talismans were strong; top-grade talismans were always rare in the market. And the only one who could turn his talismans to ash without any reaction was Chi You alone.

Jiang Luo didn't reveal how he recognized him but instead provocatively laughed softly, "Let me guess, what is it you want to do?"

"You've been manipulating Bai Yefeng for five years now, haven't you?" Jiang Luo's voice was even lower, as if revealing a shocking secret, "Chi You, you're you, the renowned Bai Yefeng is also you. How many famous geniuses did you control while alive? What do you want to do? Become a tyrant secretly controlling the metaphysical world, a great demon lord whom no one dares to defy?"

Jiang Luo laughed, "You're aiming quite high, Chi You."

Chi You smiled subtly in response.

Jiang Luo slightly rose to his feet, facing the demon through the shell of Bai Yefeng, their gazes locked. The damp traces on the demon's body almost wetted his pronounced nose tip. He softly said, "It's a pity, I can't kill your true form."

"But to destroy the puppet you've been manipulating for five years in an instant is enough to keep me happy for a long time."

Jiang Luo sat up, looked down at Chi You, and without hesitation, blew a short whistle.

The swimming pool's main door was kicked open fiercely, and almost all the contestants started walking in from outside. Leading them was Lu Youyi and two others, sent by Jiang Luo to gather the contestants.

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