Chapter 113

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In the moment the light went out, Qin Yun exclaimed, grabbing Chi You's arm, "What's happening?"

Chi You glanced at the hazy sky outside, furrowing his brow, and said in a deep voice, "Seems like the storm tore down the power lines."

Lian Xue reassured, "Stay calm, we have a fireplace in the room."

The fireplace emitted a faint glow, illuminating the living room and its sofa.

Steward Yan stood up, saying, "We have plenty of candles stored in the house. Please wait, I'll fetch them."

The sudden situation didn't affect the two individuals who were still carrying out orders.

Before Jiang Luo's lips met Chi You, he stopped, catching a whiff of the ghost's lingering perfume. Perfume, even in this situation? Jiang Luo's expression became peculiar.

After a few silent breaths, he couldn't help but ask, "Is this intentional?"

The ghost casually replied, "Intentional? About what?"

Perfume, bathrobes.

Heavy snow and a wooden villa.

Too many coincidences, like a trap set by the ghost.

But how could Chi You know that Jiang Luo was coming up the mountain today?

Jiang Luo clicked his tongue and decisively stood up, but the ghost grabbed his wrist, a deep smile on their face. "Explain yourself."

"Sorry, just intentionally teasing you," Jiang Luo retorted without mercy. In the darkness, they engaged in a silent exchange. "You clearly understand."

In the dark, near the master's house, Liang Bing suddenly felt a gust of wind. He turned to look, asking tentatively, "Senior Brother, the lifesaver?"

Jiang Luo separated from Chi You instantly, mocking, "Lifesaver? What kind of title is that?"

Liang Bing chuckled awkwardly, and Du Ge said, "It's too dark by the dining table; let's move to the fireplace."

Everyone gathered around the fireplace. The steward quickly brought candles, and the mirror reflected the combined light of fire and candle, finally brightening the room. The young ones lost interest in gaming, anxiously watching the relentless snowstorm outside.

The wind howled, a haunting sound.

Chi You lifted a cup of coffee and suddenly said, "Have you heard the story of the Snow Maiden?"

"Snow Maiden?"

A man chuckled and began to tell the story. Amidst the flickering flames, the tale took on a mysterious and vividly terrifying hue.

"There's a legend of a demon named the Snow Maiden. Every appearance brings incessant blizzards, much like what's happening now." Chi You lowered his voice.

The wind and snow outside seemed to echo his words.

"The Snow Maiden travels in the snow, luring lost men and taking them home. When she kisses a man, he freezes, and his soul becomes the sustenance for the Snow Maiden's life."

He joked, "With this sudden snow, could there be a Snow Maiden in these mountains?"

Laughter filled the room, "You sure know how to joke."

Chi You's smile remained unchanged as he lowered his head to sip his coffee.

Duanzi hesitated and asked, "Could there really be a Snow Maiden in the world?"

"The Snow Maiden is a creature from foreign legends; we don't have a similar creature in our local myths. However, there is a fairy with abilities similar to the Snow Maiden, known as the Snow Mountain Maiden, the daughter of Zhang Dadi, the mountain god of Guangde Temple. Every time she appears, it's accompanied by heavy snow."

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