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Hello everyone 🤠, quick update.. someone asked me to update soon. I was busy, but I didn't want to keep you waiting. Here's this chapter.Let me tell you in advance, guys, some scenes will be a little dark and intense in this chapter.
Well, let's meet Adyasha this side in this chapter.
Hope you all enjoy it, and please show your interest and give your reviews.
Regarding Viraaj and Rishab's face reveal, sorry for the delay, but it will happen in the next chapter.
Adyasha's heart raced as she sprinted towards Kirti's room, each step heavier than the last. The news had hit her like a tidal wave, leaving her breathless and disoriented. She couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that gripped her chest. Bursting into Kirti's room, she found her lying still, her face pale and expressionless. Adyasha's breath caught in her throat as she approached,

Adyasha approached Kirti's bedside, her hand trembling as she lightly brushed against Kirti's cheek. Kirti remained unresponsive, her stillness sending a chill down Adyasha's spine.

"Adyasha, you're here," Mr. John's voice broke through the somber atmosphere, drawing Adyasha's attention to the doctor standing by the bed.

Mr. John began to speak, his words heavy with sorrow. "Her condition suddenly worsened, and despite all our efforts, there's no hope for recovery. We can prolong her life, but we can't cure her."

Adyasha cut him off abruptly, her voice laced with fury as she silenced him with a gesture. "Shhhh," she hushed him, pressing a finger to her lips. "I won't accept defeat. I refuse to hear those words again. Don't push me, or I'll make sure every bullet from my gun finds its mark on your skull."

Mr. John bowed his head, taking a deep breath before responding. "Facing reality is hard, Adyasha. I understand your love for her, but we must be strong and accept the truth. I'll leave for now; she needs rest. Take care, and I'll return in the morning."

With those final words, Mr. John departed, leaving Adyasha alone with her thoughts and the weight of an uncertain future looming over her.

Soon, Rocco came up behind Adyasha and gazed at her, then at Kirti, his expression filled with sadness.

"Adyasha, your phone has been ringing for a while. Answer it," Sandhya urged softly, her eyes reflecting concern. "And Rocco hasn't eaten anything. Please eat, and make sure he does too."

"Give Rocco some food; I'll be back soon," Adyasha replied, her voice tinged with urgency. Then, turning to Rocco, she added, "You understand me, buddy. Please eat something. Don't make this harder for me."

Rocco barked lightly, understanding her plea, as Adyasha picked up the call, only to hear cries and shouts on the other end.

"Gauri, where are you? What's happening?" Adyasha demanded, her voice trembling with worry.

"Please leave me, I beg you! Let me go!" Gauri's panicked voice echoed through the phone.

Adyasha's heart seized with unbelievable shock. The same words, exactly the same words, but now from Gauri's side. Her breath caught in her throat as she gulped, panic rising within her. "Gauri, where are you? What the hell is happening?" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with fear and frustration. Running her hand through her hair in distress, Adyasha turned to Sandhya, who stood nearby, her expression filled with worry. "Call Mr. Jha, quickly! Fast!" she urged, her voice urgent with desperation.

Sandhya quickly dialed Mr. Jha's number and handed her phone to Adyasha. After two rings, Mr. Jha answered, "Hello?"

Adyasha urgently demanded, "Quickly, track Gauri's location, fast!" She spoke in a hurry while still on the line with Gauri, then dashed towards her room. Addressing Sandhya as she ran, she said, "I need to go. You take care of Kirti Maa and Rocco." In her room, she opened her wardrobe and swiftly retrieved her dagger fixing it to her dress. "Tell me fast, damn it!" she shouted.

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