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I Think I Love Him. Well I don't know yet but I feel like I do. I mean he's all i think about and I love talking to him. If I'm not seeing him at the pool then we're texting, so we're literally always talking.

School got out yesterday, so me and my friends decided to go to movies. Justin will be there and so will his new girlfriend, Lana and that's going to really awkward.

I met Jackson outside the movies and then we caught up to everyone else inside.We eventually took our seats and I was luckily sitting next to Jackson on my left and Justin was two seats to my right. Before the movie had even started him and Lana were making out. Me and my friend Ty (the one between Me and Justin) looked at each other and just started laughing. Justin's ex Sarah was on the other side of Jackson and was cracking up too.

The movie eventually got started and the lights dimmed. I kind of zoned out since I had seen the movie already a week before with Jackson. About 30 minutes into the movie Jackson moves his hand onto mine to hold it. We stay that way, holding hands between us in the dark where no one can see us.

After the movie is over we all realized we are hungry and walk over to the mall to get some food. While in the middle of eating Sarah asks me to go get some ice cream and I say sure. As we're walking over she starts:

"So when did you and Jackson start dating?"

I was taken aback

"What- What" I stammered, "What are you talking about? I'm not gay!"

"I saw you guys holding hands and I've seen the way you look at him and how you guys flirt. It's obvious" She states matter-of-factly.

"Ummmm" I was speechless.

"It's okay your secrets is safe with me."

"Thanks I guess" I needed to tell Jackson. What if he's mad at me.

"No problem. Now come on I want ice cream."

Me and Jackson had been friends for awhile and everyone knew that we had become closer in the last weeks. They knew we were best friends, especially after me and Justin stopped talking. But I didn't know it was obvious that we were dating. Who else suspected? Who else knew? What if Sarah told the? What if Justin told people about us?

I got back to the table and looked Jakcson in the eyes. He knew something was wrong.

"Hey Alex, can you come to the bathroom with me?" He asked.

"Yeah sure."

We entered the bathroom, and Jackson locked the door after checking to make sure the bathroom was empty.

"Whats wrong?" God he knew me so well.

"Sarah knows about us."

I haven't cried since I was 12 and vowed I wouldn't but this is the closest I've been since then. I was so afraid of what he was going to say. He's the last person anyone would think to be gay. And I honestly might've just ruined his reputation. He was a star swimmer and overall stud and now because of me he was going to be outed.

"And? That's it?" He laughed. "Why do you look like your going to cry. You never cry."

"What? I thought you'd be mad."

"Why would I be mad babe?" He smiled and lifted me up onto the sink, and put his forehead against mine.

Lord he was sexy. I swear since we had started dating, he was the only person I found attractive. People I found attractive before can't hold a candle to him. His soft dark skin tanned from working as a lifeguard made him brown but not too brown. His beautiful white teeth made his smile magical. It could light up my day even on my worst ones.

"I figured because you didn't want to be outed" I was a little confused to be honest, but I couldn't concentrate while looking into his eyes.

"One, we haven't been outed. One of our closest friends know. Second I don't care who knows. I'd come out for you. I'd do anything for you"

He proceeded to kiss my kips. Gently and softly at first. Since I was sitting on the sink I was taller than him and he was standing in between my legs so I wrapped them around his waist. We then started a full on make-out session and it was hot. I was about to pull his shirt off when we heard a knock on the door.


Sounds like the manager. I jumped down off the counter top and ran towards the door.

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