Ch. 17 Stuck

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Katniss' P.O.V.

When I awaken, I roll over to find Peeta still asleep beside me. I feel suffocated. As quietly as possible, I untangle myself from the mess of limbs and sheets. It takes a few minutes, but I successfully slip away without waking him. I step onto the floor and move to the doorway, slowly pulling on my boots without making a sound. I take one last look back. He looks so innocent when he sleeps. I almost feel bad for leaving. I shake my head. Come on Katniss, lets go. My legs start moving, and I head down the stairs. Not knowing how bad the weather is, I open the door and step right outside. Immediately, the cool spring air hits me and I shove my hands into the pockets of Peeta's sweater. It feels like winter, and there's frost on the grass in front of all the houses in Victor's Village. I quickly jog to my house and grab my bow and slip on another jacket.

Peeta's P.O.V.

When I wake up, the bed's cold. I reach across the covers to find nothing but empty sheets. It was all a dream, wasn't it? I sit up in bed and scan the room looking for Katniss, squinting from the sunlight pouring into the room through the open window. No. It wasn't a dream. It couldn't have been. But then why did she leave? I pull of the covers and get up out of bed. She's probably just downstairs. I throw on a change of clothes, and take a glance in the mirror before heading to the kitchen. "Katniss?" I call out as I walk down the steps. No answer. I reach the bottom step and walk into the living room. Empty. I enter the kitchen. "Katniss." I call her name again. Well she's obviously not here. A Sudden wave of panic shoots through me. What if something bad happened last night? Did I have an episode? I can't remember. I have to find her, make sure she's okay.

Katniss' P.O.V.

When the sun stops glaring in my eyes, I know it must be late morning. Probably 10, 10:30? I hope Peeta's still asleep, I've been feeling guilty ever since I left this morning without saying anything. I've been out here for over two hours, but I haven't shot anything. I also haven't really been trying. I guess I've just got a lot on my mind. Being in the woods helps me clear my head, but I can't seem to escape my own thoughts. I should go back.

When I come into the clearing, I change my mind about seeing Peeta and decide to go back to my house instead. As I pass through the archway of the village, I see a figure step out of Haymitch's house and walk over to mine. Peeta. He's far ahead and his back is to me, so he doesn't notice me walking in his direction. I keep walking and watch him. He climbs the steps to my door and knocks few times, pausing for an answer. "Katniss?" He shouts loud enough so I can hear. I decide to respond.

"Yeah?" I shout.

Peeta turns around quickly.

"Sorry!" I call, quickening my pace to get to him. He starts walking down the doorsteps. When he reaches me, he has a worried look on his face.


"You're okay?"


"I didn't have an episode or anything?"

"No, no you didn't do anything. Sorry for just leaving, I should have said something."

"Oh that's okay."

There's a small moment of silence.

"Well I was going to see Haymitch after. Do you uh, do you wanna come?" he says scratching the back of his neck.

"Sure, but I should change first."

"Oh it's just Haymitch, who cares."

I sigh. "okay." I say, looking up at him. I start to walk forward. And, when Peeta grabs my hand, even though I've held it a countless amount of times, I find my palms becoming sweaty and my heartbeat quickening. I lean onto him as we walk. He lets out a small laugh.

"What?" I ask playfully.

He just shakes his head

"Come on." he says, pulling me along.


Hey tributes! Wow I feel like shit for not updating when I said I would, I'm so so so sorry.  Also I know this chapter is crap, but don't worry, I planned out how the next couple of chapters are gonna go and I'll be able to update sooner than I did this time! Love you all so much! Oh and um... 15.9K reads??? HOLY CRAP YOU'RE AMAZING!!

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