Ch. 18 Alone

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Katniss' P.O.V.

When we arrive at Haymitch's, the door swings open with a quick twist to the knob.

"Haymitch?" Peeta's voice echos through the house. No answer.

"Hey!" There's a sound of muffled yelling coming from the backyard.

Peeta and I exchange a confused look. We both head to the kitchen where theres another door leading outside. As I reach to pull the door open, there's a loud honking sound. Peeta laughs.

"What the-"

I open the door and can't help but to grin at the sight of Haymitch trying to corral a dozen geese into a makeshift coop.

"Haymitch!" I call trying to get his attention.

"What in the world..." I continue.

Haymitch turns around to acknowledge us and in a second the few geese that were in the coop take the opportunity to find their way out, and scatter with the rest of the birds. Haymitch swings back around and throws his hands up in frustration.

"Well now look what you made me do!"

I just laugh.

"Haymitch what are you doing?" Peeta questions him.

"What does it look like I'm doing." He replies and Peeta rolls his eyes.

"Fine be free, I don't care!" Haymitch yells at the birds. Then he turns, pointing at us.

"If any of these damn things die, it's your fault."

"Why do you have geese?" I ask him, growing impatient.

"Why not? They're good company."

"Are they?"

"Well maybe they're not good company, but they give me something to do."

"Whatever keeps you busy Haymitch..." Peeta says.

"Exactly." He replies, walking past us into the house.


Peeta and I sit in Haymitch's kitchen watching the geese through the window. We're waiting for Haymitch to get out of the shower so we can all go into town.

"Do you think Haymitch is okay?" Peeta asks, breaking the silence. I give him a look.

"No, I mean- I know he's not okay, but do you think he's getting worse?" He rephrases the question.

"I'm not sure." I answer with a sigh.

"I mean I think he's lonely, and he got those geese to fill some sort of void. But I think he knows that they won't." I add.

"We should be there for him, like invite him over for dinner more often and talk to him, you know?"


"His drinking habits haven't improved." I state.

"Maybe going into town will take his mind off of things for a while." Peeta suggests.

"That's a good idea." I say with a smile.


Peeta and I walk hand in hand into town, with Haymitch in front of us, leading the way. I always thought holding hands was stupid, but it seems different when I hold Peeta's. I lean into him as we walk.

"I need to get some supplies, I'm running short on a few things if you know what I mean!" Haymitch calls back to us. Peeta glances down at me, shaking his head.

"Haymitch we're not going into the liquor shop!" I yell to him.

"Suit yourself!" He says walking into the store.

"Come on." Peeta says, pulling me into the doorway.

Fine. As long as I'm here, I guess I'll look around. I detach myself from Peeta and head to the back of the shop. I gaze at all the varieties of alcohol on the shelves. I keep walking and stumble upon a small bottle with a blue label and clear liquid inside. I don't want to drink it, but the design on the bottle is remarkable. I pick it up to show Peeta the fine flower engravings along the sides. I start walking, and as I turn the corner, I nearly bump into someone.

"Oh, sorry." I mumble, and keep walking.

"Katniss?" The person calls my name.

I stop and slowly turn at the sound of the strangely familiar voice.  When I finally make eye contact with the stranger, I feel my eyes grow wide.



Hey, so I'm an actual piece of shit for not updating in months.  But uh yeah... junior year was extremely stressful and the only free time I had was spent sleeping.  (btw just a little side note- I'm not changing the art in chapter 2. Someone else drew it, I'm not sure who, but I really like it and it goes with the chapter if you really take the time to look at it. I really appreciate the art and if you're not gonna take it seriously, don't be rude.) But anyway guess what it's summer! (AND IM STILL DOING FRICKIN SCHOOL WORK).  However, (because I already said but twice) I can now update more often. As you can see, I may start including a story line about a certain ship... And omg guys, I love everyone who votes, or leaves me positive comments, or simply just enjoys my story! You're the best and don't forget it! You guys are the reason why I keep writing.  I can't believe this thing has 23K reads, it makes me so happy to see that people are interested in my work. I love you and thanks for being so patient with me. <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2016 ⏰

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